This page consists of the 52 first, good RPG tracks released, with a little description of the track and a GPS video. Track headers and descriptions are by HawkGer. Videos by occam, Tecfan and fallen.soul.
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Sobékite was Kryw's first temple, inspired by Rafale's Enigmes (released October 2008) and Kryw's previously released Piscine tracks. Sobékite is a huge temple track with the GM mod, which has been updated many times since its original release in December 2008. This is often credited as the first true RPG map ever. It was played in RPG round race 2.
Also watch: Sobékite with Mario and Luigi · Sobékite - In the Halls of the Temple · Sobékite with Mario and Luigi 'in the heart of the temple' · Sobékite rnd test · Sobékite round race 2
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Kryw's second RPG, 'Lubaantun', is very similar to Sobékite. Originally it was a temple RPG using the GM mod, but after a recent update it now uses the Inca mod. The start has also been completely updated in the newest version. It's a very fast RPG with many plain race sections, many fast drives on invisible roads and without any slow balance parts. It can be finished in about 11 minutes and is very beginner-friendly. The track was played in RPG round race 2.
Also watch: Lubaantun round race 2
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Already three days after Lubaantun, Kryw released his new RPG track called Honduras. Similar to Lubaantun, it originally had the GM mod applied, but after a recent update it now uses the Inca mod. The update also added a few more rooms to the track and is now even more challenging than the original track was. It's a very adventurous track, always requiring an open eye and time to solve the riddles. It also includes the first real balance sections in RPG history, all in all a very versatile track.
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The next track from Kryw was Sésostris, his shortest RPG so far with a length of about 7 minutes. It's probably also his easiest RPG so far, being very beginner-friendly. It's again a temple track using the GM mod. Somewhat special is the large amount of dirthills being blockmixed into the rooms which create a more adventerous atmosphere. It got updated many times in the past, with the last update being mostly an MT-update.
Also watch: Sésostris V5 replay · Sésostris V5 intro · Sésostris V5 - FX Rain copie dds loaded · Sésostris V5 - FX Rain copie dds not loaded · Sésostris V3 replay · RPG round race 1: Sésostris - start · RPG round race 1: Sésostris - close-up · RPG round race 1: Sésostris - mid-race
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RPG map 1

Baron's first RPG track, simply named RPG map 1, was inspired by all the previous RPG's and is thus likewise a temple-track using the GM-mod. The obstacles and the race style however are very individual, creative and versatile. The track has a difficulty and track length similar to Sobékite. A well-suited track for beginners and a good rec-hunting ground for experts.
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After building his easiest RPG, Kryw this time went over building his hardest RPG track ever. The track's design is still made in the traditional way, also using the GM mod for the atmosphere. The track was that difficult that it had to be updated several times to make it even finishable for more than 5 people. Nowadays it's still one of the hardest RPG's around, mostly being jumps on small borders causing this difficulty. It's also a very long RPG with a length of about 13 min, so a great challenge for experts.
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RPG map 2

Two weeks after his first RPG, Baron released the track 'RPG map 2' on the 16th February '09. It's very similar to his first track in most aspects. It's a little shorter (possible to drive under 9 minutes) but harder than his first. It has many parts that need exact calculation of speed and location which makes it still challenging after a few runs.
Also watch: RPG map 2 round race 3
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The RPG track "Tournalin" by FGP.Focus centers around balancing on various obstacles. The balance parts are very difficult, requiring lots of precision to make them. There are also some other obstacles in the track but the focus lies on the balancing. It's built as a temple and uses the GM mod; an adventerous feeling isn't really being generated though.
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RPG map 3

With the third track in his trilogy, Baron still kept the basic design of his previous tracks but increased the difficulty even more greatly. He also increased the track length to about 15 minutes. Those two aspects together make the track not very suitable for beginners. Experts will also have a hard time since it is very hard taking some stunts on the first try.
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The Great Escape

The Great Escape was Fish's first RPG track. In the track you are an Allied prisoner of war trying to escape from a nazi-camp during World War II. It features a self-made mod, the second mod that was being used on an RPG track following Grande Muraille. A very dense building style is what this track also seperates from other RPG's before, creating the feeling of being an escaped prisoner. The track got an update recently with which some additional rooms were added, the mod got updated and many confusing spots of the first version were made clearer. It is one of the longest RPG's with a length of about 20 minutes and also quite hard to drive.
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Mars Attacks

In Fish's second RPG 'Mars Attacks' one can experience a futuristic adventure, having to escape from an alien base. For an adequate atmosphere, Fish created the Alien mod which was also the first mod using invisible textures. The track is again very hard and long in track length, but unlike The Great Escape has mostly large rooms. The start of the track can be quite off-putting due to it's difficulty but one should really take the effort, it's definitely worth it.
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Il Nome Della Rosa

Il nome della rosa; the third RPG from Fish and yet again very different from RPG's at that time. Its layout represents a castle, consisting of several buildings (a church for example) and 4 towers at each side. The atmosphere is very distinctively kept in the style of the Middle Age, also using the appropiate mod for it. In the first version of the track one had to enter the castle from outside the stadium but it got an update, before being played in the RPG round race 5, so that one can access the castle now directly. The track is very long and hard to master but sure a challenge one takes gladly.
Also watch: Old version GPS (part 1) · Old version GPS (part 2) · Monastery Garden · Flying Milk · RPG round race 5 Il Nome Della Rosa
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Temple of Doom

The first RPG by Hogleg, named Temple of Doom, is a rather short temple-themed RPG which was inspired by Kryw's Sobékite. The track is kept in a race style like Sobékite, has close to none balance parts and is very easy to drive. A great track especially for beginners. It was therefore also played in the first round of the RPG round race 5.
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Saqqarah by Kryw was the first RPG track being build inside a pyramid. One starts outside the pyramid, enters it and follows the way until finishing on top of the pyramid at the highest level. The track is quite short for an RPG (6min) and is not very hard; it can be finished by beginners. Mostly balance parts and jumps dominate the track, stunts are only a few existing. It was played in RPG round race 2.
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Atlantis is the first and only RPG-track from Meky so far. It represents a classical temple track using the GM mod. It, however, has more outdoor areas than most other temple tracks. Between racing parts many stunts and jumps are offered, but also some balance parts. Some tricks are hard to learn precise which makes this track so challenging. For some obstacles there are alternative ways which are easier but slower. It was played in RPG round race 6.
Also watch: RPG round race 6 Atlantis highlights
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Zeppelin Station

After his 'RPG map' - trilogy, Baron approached a new concept in his track 'Zeppelin Station'. He tried to construct a giant Zeppelin Station one could drive inside. For this he created the Zeppelin-Mod, Baron's first self-made mod. The rooms are generally quite large and are not completely closed. Many versatile, creative and innovative challenges are being offered in the course of the track taking advantage of all the possibilites the RPG genre offers. The track is quite hard, long and has many rooms which one will need time to discover. It was played in RPG round 6.
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The RPG track Seila was uploaded on the 5th April '09 by Kryw. It's a temple track and uses the GM mod. The rooms are built very big (which causes a high copper count of 17k) and some of them have an unusual design. The track was originally very hard but was made easier especially at two spots after an update (the water bump and one insane transition). It's not as hard as before, but still very challenging. Seila also got an MT-update with sounds and color-effects.
Also watch: Seila v.1 GPS
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Mario World

A very different atmospheric RPG-experience one could discover for the first time on Fish's track 'Mario World'. Instead of using a real-world-theme for the track, Fish chose to use the very abstract theme of the World of Super Mario. It uses a self-made mod which is very colorful and simple in detail, but creates a unique and very fitting ambience. The track has some harder spots but can also be driven by non-experts. It's very easy overlooking some ring checkpoints, so always keep an open eye (or watch the video).
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Palace India

Baron released his fifth RPG track 'Palace India' at the 14th April '09. The track's construction respresents an Indian Palace which looks very authentic. The GM mod is used here for the right ambience. Regarding the difficulty the track isn't too hard and even beginners will not need too long on their first drive as compared to other Barontracks. Palace India was also driven on the third RPG round race.
Also watch: RPG round race 3 Palace India
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Following one day after Palace India, the track Kheops: The TM mecanism was released by fish. It's an RPG centering around the mysteries of the Cheops's Pyramid. One starts at the top level of the track, entering the Sphinx and then taking off to break into the Pyramid. The track is very hard, offering many difficult obstacles and riddles that make the ride especially on the first run a long-winded experience. A massive amount of blockmixes were implemented in the track. It uses the Egyptian Stadium Mod which fish updated for this track to create a sandy and dusty atmosphere.
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Abou Simbel

The first and only RPG track by boubisis so far is Abou Simbel. Resembling a famous Egyptian Temple and using the Grande Muraille mod for it. It can be classified as one of the hardest RPG's, or even the hardest currently existing and is thus really only playable for the experts. It includes some of the most unimaginable hard pipe transitions, stunts and jumps which some people even found cuts for that are likewise crazy.
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After having built many temples and pyramids for his tracks layouts, Kryw approached this time the concept of a castle in his track Camelot. One starts outside the castle, uses a catapult to enter it and finishes by exiting the castle again. Recently it got an MT-update with ingame sound that made the already existing atmosphere even more exciting. The track has an intermediate difficulty but is hard to discover on first drive. Beginners will also find it difficult passing the third last cp as it is very long and hard.
Also watch: Camelot intro
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Abenteuer 3

The third RPG of Hogleg 'Abenteuer 3' is harder than Temple of Doom, longer and has more obstacles in it. It still uses the Grande Muraille mod, and is constructed as a temple. The last CP is epicly hard when driving the first time (if not taking the cut) ^^
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Dark Forest

Dark Forest is Stromek's first RPG, released 10th May 2009. It uses the GM mod, but with no locator. The track is extremely long, with the current world record clocking in at 29 minutes. The route is not always clear, but you should be able to find the way at the end. It will probably take around 2 hours to drive the first time, so remember to have good time before starting on this one.
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Dendron is Stromek's second RPG track, also with the GM mod. This one is even bigger than Dark Forest, and Stromek's online world record is 32 minutes. Most tricks in this track are extremely original and require many attempts in your first run.
Also watch: Dendron start
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Technological Breakdown

The first and only RPG track of cranberries so far, released on the 26th May 2009. The track is build in a 8x8x3o Box and is thus very compact with a length of approximately 10min. As it is also build very open, one can get lost in the track or miss a checkpoint more quickly than in other RPG's. One could argue that the track is not an RPG but in fact a trial-track as it is missing all typical RPG elements. However, the track creates a unique atmosphere only by it's dense design and architecture and can thus be called an RPG.
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Pyramids of Giza

After having built two test-rpg's, HardDance showed his full potential building a replica of the Pyramids of Giza as an RPG. The route is mostly build inside the three pyramids and due to their small sizes the track is very dense and compact. Surprisingly for a pyramid-environment the track uses the Middle-Age Mod which actually fits quite good to the dense architecture. The route is rather short for an RPG (about 7 minutes) and of intermediate difficulty with two or three trickier spots.
Also watch: Intro · Pyramids of Giza - Hawk's Run (6'54''13) uncut · The maze · Beta version GPS · The maze from the beta version
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The Labyrinth

The first RPG of eie 'The Labyrinth' underwent many changes after its first betatest to become the track we know today. The track was quite different in style when it came out, contrasting strongly to the usual RPG with its steady flow and the smooth transitions. There are not many adventerous obstacles in the track but rather many jumps and transitions which have to be discovered. The track uses the GM mod and is build as a temple which one exits only one time right at the finish.
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The RPG track 'czakram' was also Jurek's first one. It is built in the traditional RPG-style and is also using Grande Muraille for the mod. The route can be driven very fluent, mostly it concentrates on plain platform-driving but also some obstacles and jumps are in it. A good start for beginners; for RPG experts the track is quite relaxing to drive.
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With 'Polytech Plasma' (18-Jun-2009) Kryw tried to create an entirely different RPG experience. The difficulty of the track lies in the transparency of the mod, with which just about every block in the track is nearly transparent. It is thus very hard to navigate in this track's environment and to find the route, which makes up this new adventerous experience. There are no challenging obstacles to overcome in this track, the only hard part is to not get confused with your ability to see through blocks. It is highly recommended to have the mod activated when playing the track, else it is impossible to see some hints.
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Legoland - City Centre

This track is a huge lego city, of course with the original lego mod. It's hard to find the way, you have to drive carefully so you get all CP's. The tricks are original, hard the first time and easier the next times, so you can go hunting. It will probably take about one hour to drive it the first time. It's made by Golo and was his first RPG.
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Occam's Tribute

The only RPG build so far by Chazu is this rather short and easy track named 'Occam's Tribute' (22-Jun-2009), dedicated to occam for his work in the community. Chazu used the Middle Age Mod for the track and was able to create a good atmosphere with it. A good track for record hunting as it is possible to drive the track very precise.
Also watch: RPG round race 7 highlights
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Baron's latest track HyperCube (22-Jun-2009) is based on the movie 'hypercube', insofar that the track consists of one big cube and that the mod creates a cubic-like atmosphere. Due to this special layout, the track doesn't have the length one normally would expect on a baron-track (6min).
The track's difficulty is medium and can thus be finished quite quickly.
Also watch: RPG round race 8 highlights
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After a short break, Fish released this new track on the 25th June 2009. After having updated the Lego-City mod, he put all the (Lego)blocks together to form his idea of a Lego-City, containing various buildings and objects one can identify easily. The track is quite long (14min) and can be hard to discover at some spots. Together with the typical difficulty one is used to on fish-tracks, the track is not very well suited for a start in the RPG-genre. For experts a must to drive though.
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Traces on Sand

Traces on Sand was D3mon's first RPG. It is very versatile; offering many different obstacles, challenges and having a good change-over between open and indoor areas. It uses the original Egyptian Stadium Mod and is not too hard in difficulty.
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Tree of Life

About one month after his track 'Dendron', Stromek released a new track called Tree of Life on the 29th June '09. The track uses an updated version of the Forest mod and builds up a very distinctive wooden atmosphere. It is much easier to drive than Stromek's previous two RPG's. Still very adventerous though with some not-that-obvious spots. TMX link:
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Invasion of Sobékite

After having stolen a Zeppelin on Seila, you are about to steal a treasure from Anubis in this RPG. It is of course made by Kryw, the author of Sobékite. One can recognize already at the start that some parts of the original Sobékite were kept in this RPG, though some of them being altered. It is very different in the style compared to Sobékite. There are many wall .borders, hard jumps etc in it. The difficulty went up and also the 'race style' of Sobékite got replaced by more obstacle-driving. The atmosphere is as adventurous like in Sobékite, of course with the GM mod.
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Abandoned Castle

Two month after his last RPG, Hogleg released 'Abandoned Castle', his hardest and longest RPG so far. Like nearly all of Hogleg's RPG's it uses the GM mod. It's very hard finding the way into the castle and once inside it, it's not getting much easier; facing various tricky rooms. Sure a great track for drivers with advanced skills.
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Fish's track tmCry (06-Jul-2009) tries to imitate the atmosphere from the game FarCry. It therefore uses a self-made mod with metallic- and jungle textures. The track is very open and flat. Many waterblocks and dirthills were used to give the appearance of islands and to hide indoor-parts. It also uses music from the game FarCry which brings the experience even closer to the game. Some parts of the track are very hard to discover on first sight and they will probably still be hard after more tries which makes this track very exiting for experts.
Also watch: tmCry v1
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A Trip to the Hills

The second RPG from eie 'A trip to the hills' was released at the 6th July '09. It is similar to The Labyrinth to the extent that it is also very transition- and jumpbased. It has an open design; meaning that it doesn't use platformblocks to shape rooms for the most part. It is also build in the height. This unusual design, added with the middle age mod gives it an unique atmosphere. The jumps are not too hard, thus the track can be finished quite easily on the first run.
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Abandoned Factory

The first track from .maX, 'Abandoned Factory', was released at the 8th July 2009. As the name suggests it's atmosphere resembles the one of a factory, seemingly abandoned. Mainly the self-made mod and the tracks design contribute to this very authentic industrial feeling. The track currently holds the record for the longest true RPG, with a track length of 24 minutes without respawns, and for some people probably also the record for the longest first-drive. Despite this track length, .maX managed to keep the rooms relatively big for the most part and to have a copper amount under 15k. The track route offers many race and speed parts but also includes many rooms which have to be discovered carefully. The track is not very suited to beginners due to its difficulty.
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At the 15th July '09 Stromek released his track 'Scrapiron'. The track features a custom mod made by himself, called Rustmod, which gives a nice rusty and metallic atmosphere. In true Stromek-style, the tricks are hard and even require some thinking. The track is around 12 minutes without respawns.
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Among the Ruins

A few weeks after his first RPG track, D3mon released 'Among the Ruins' on the 16th July '09. It is similar to Traces on Sand in using the Egyptian Stadium Mod likewise. The top of the track (which is the start- and finishsection) consists completely out of dirt and dirthills with platformblocks inbetween. Like in no other RPG, D3mon also blockmixed huge amount of dirthills inside the rooms; creating a very authentic atmosphere of ruins. The track is not too hard but has some harder spots, a good challenge for the average driver.
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Jungle Valley

Jungle Valley is iGrizzli's second and latest RPG (16-Jul-2009) which is in its concept a very interesting track as it doesn't make use of the traditional approach of creating separated rooms. Instead, it is build completely open and has only a few layers in the height. A very strong atmosphere is created nevertheless through the dense building in combination with the Route-Des-Templiers Mod. The trackroute is very easy...well suited for beginners and experts can try to do it without respawns.
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Chemical X

Chemical X was a collaborative project between HawkGer and Hardarm. It sets place in a chemical facility and therefore uses the Metal Stadium mod to create the right setting. The track is about 12 minutes long and quite hard to drive especially the first time as the route is not always obvious.
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Zone Zero

With his third track 'Zone Zero' (Released 22rd July 2009) Jurek decided to explore new grounds by creating a track with an open industrial design, being the first to make use of the now very popular mod 'Drack-Car'. The track is rather easy for experienced drivers and also easy to explore on first-drive.
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One day after Zone Zero the new RPG track "Tenochtitlan" saw its light. It's a Fish-track and it varies from his other RPG's in its difficulty. Usually his RPG's are more suitable for experts but this one can be driven by beginners too. The track represents a replica of the Aztec's Empire capital 'Tenochtitlan'. It uses the self-made Inca mod, which got quite popular after this release, to convey the right atmosphere.
Also watch: RPG round race 4 Tenochtitlan · Tenochtitlan party tour · Tenochtitlan party tour vid 2 · Tenochtitlan photoshoot · Tenochtitlan photoshoot video 2 ·
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The first RPG by Enai Siaion, 'Baofengxue' was released at the 23rd July '09. It makes use of a lot of MT with which during the course of the track a story is being forwarded. The track is build as a city in which one is being held captive. There are also many individual sections that are designed according to the story. It uses the Icebraker Mod by Greenracer and is easy to drive plus short in length. A good track for beginners and for all fans of story tracks.
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The Boat

This RPG track by Stromek centers around a pirate boat which has to be discovered. Starting outside the boat one has to reach a lighthouse, enter the ship and finally make it to the sails. During your drive you will be accompanied visually by a talking parrot. The track uses the Forest-mod and - like most Stromek-tracks - is pretty challenging to drive.
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The Last Crusade

The Last Crusade is an RPG built by AtoM and was released on the 25th July '09. It uses the GM mod. The design is very basic but it still creates a nice atmosphere. The track has intermediate dificulty and is around 9 minutes long. Some spots seem a bit tricky and random at first, but with a little practice they can be driven easily.
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"[RPG|Forest!!" is a hard RPG, with a forest/wood mod and is made by Zehirmann. The route itself is very clear (except for a hole maze), but still you have to use your brain a little to make it. It also has an epic last CP, which probably is a bit easier with a pad than with a keyboard.
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Poseidon's Wrath

Poseidon's Wrath, the second RPG of .maX is somewhat similar to his first one in trackdesign, length and difficulty. This time however, you find yourself discovering the ruins of an underwater-temple. The UnderTheSeas mod convinces one of this atmosphere quite good. MT-effects are also being used to create a dramatic atmosphere and to deliver the story.
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Sobékite was Kryw's first temple, inspired by Rafale's Enigmes (released October 2008) and Kryw's previously released Piscine tracks. Sobékite is a huge temple track with the GM mod, which has been updated many times since its original release in December 2008. This is often credited as the first true RPG map ever. It was played in RPG round race 2.
Also watch: Sobékite with Mario and Luigi · Sobékite - In the Halls of the Temple · Sobékite with Mario and Luigi 'in the heart of the temple' · Sobékite rnd test · Sobékite round race 2
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Kryw's second RPG, 'Lubaantun', is very similar to Sobékite. Originally it was a temple RPG using the GM mod, but after a recent update it now uses the Inca mod. The start has also been completely updated in the newest version. It's a very fast RPG with many plain race sections, many fast drives on invisible roads and without any slow balance parts. It can be finished in about 11 minutes and is very beginner-friendly. The track was played in RPG round race 2.
Also watch: Lubaantun round race 2
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Already three days after Lubaantun, Kryw released his new RPG track called Honduras. Similar to Lubaantun, it originally had the GM mod applied, but after a recent update it now uses the Inca mod. The update also added a few more rooms to the track and is now even more challenging than the original track was. It's a very adventurous track, always requiring an open eye and time to solve the riddles. It also includes the first real balance sections in RPG history, all in all a very versatile track.
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The next track from Kryw was Sésostris, his shortest RPG so far with a length of about 7 minutes. It's probably also his easiest RPG so far, being very beginner-friendly. It's again a temple track using the GM mod. Somewhat special is the large amount of dirthills being blockmixed into the rooms which create a more adventerous atmosphere. It got updated many times in the past, with the last update being mostly an MT-update.
Also watch: Sésostris V5 replay · Sésostris V5 intro · Sésostris V5 - FX Rain copie dds loaded · Sésostris V5 - FX Rain copie dds not loaded · Sésostris V3 replay · RPG round race 1: Sésostris - start · RPG round race 1: Sésostris - close-up · RPG round race 1: Sésostris - mid-race
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RPG map 1

Baron's first RPG track, simply named RPG map 1, was inspired by all the previous RPG's and is thus likewise a temple-track using the GM-mod. The obstacles and the race style however are very individual, creative and versatile. The track has a difficulty and track length similar to Sobékite. A well-suited track for beginners and a good rec-hunting ground for experts.
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After building his easiest RPG, Kryw this time went over building his hardest RPG track ever. The track's design is still made in the traditional way, also using the GM mod for the atmosphere. The track was that difficult that it had to be updated several times to make it even finishable for more than 5 people. Nowadays it's still one of the hardest RPG's around, mostly being jumps on small borders causing this difficulty. It's also a very long RPG with a length of about 13 min, so a great challenge for experts.
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RPG map 2

Two weeks after his first RPG, Baron released the track 'RPG map 2' on the 16th February '09. It's very similar to his first track in most aspects. It's a little shorter (possible to drive under 9 minutes) but harder than his first. It has many parts that need exact calculation of speed and location which makes it still challenging after a few runs.
Also watch: RPG map 2 round race 3
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The RPG track "Tournalin" by FGP.Focus centers around balancing on various obstacles. The balance parts are very difficult, requiring lots of precision to make them. There are also some other obstacles in the track but the focus lies on the balancing. It's built as a temple and uses the GM mod; an adventerous feeling isn't really being generated though.
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RPG map 3

With the third track in his trilogy, Baron still kept the basic design of his previous tracks but increased the difficulty even more greatly. He also increased the track length to about 15 minutes. Those two aspects together make the track not very suitable for beginners. Experts will also have a hard time since it is very hard taking some stunts on the first try.
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The Great Escape

The Great Escape was Fish's first RPG track. In the track you are an Allied prisoner of war trying to escape from a nazi-camp during World War II. It features a self-made mod, the second mod that was being used on an RPG track following Grande Muraille. A very dense building style is what this track also seperates from other RPG's before, creating the feeling of being an escaped prisoner. The track got an update recently with which some additional rooms were added, the mod got updated and many confusing spots of the first version were made clearer. It is one of the longest RPG's with a length of about 20 minutes and also quite hard to drive.
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Mars Attacks

In Fish's second RPG 'Mars Attacks' one can experience a futuristic adventure, having to escape from an alien base. For an adequate atmosphere, Fish created the Alien mod which was also the first mod using invisible textures. The track is again very hard and long in track length, but unlike The Great Escape has mostly large rooms. The start of the track can be quite off-putting due to it's difficulty but one should really take the effort, it's definitely worth it.
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Il Nome Della Rosa

Il nome della rosa; the third RPG from Fish and yet again very different from RPG's at that time. Its layout represents a castle, consisting of several buildings (a church for example) and 4 towers at each side. The atmosphere is very distinctively kept in the style of the Middle Age, also using the appropiate mod for it. In the first version of the track one had to enter the castle from outside the stadium but it got an update, before being played in the RPG round race 5, so that one can access the castle now directly. The track is very long and hard to master but sure a challenge one takes gladly.
Also watch: Old version GPS (part 1) · Old version GPS (part 2) · Monastery Garden · Flying Milk · RPG round race 5 Il Nome Della Rosa
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Temple of Doom

The first RPG by Hogleg, named Temple of Doom, is a rather short temple-themed RPG which was inspired by Kryw's Sobékite. The track is kept in a race style like Sobékite, has close to none balance parts and is very easy to drive. A great track especially for beginners. It was therefore also played in the first round of the RPG round race 5.
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Saqqarah by Kryw was the first RPG track being build inside a pyramid. One starts outside the pyramid, enters it and follows the way until finishing on top of the pyramid at the highest level. The track is quite short for an RPG (6min) and is not very hard; it can be finished by beginners. Mostly balance parts and jumps dominate the track, stunts are only a few existing. It was played in RPG round race 2.
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Atlantis is the first and only RPG-track from Meky so far. It represents a classical temple track using the GM mod. It, however, has more outdoor areas than most other temple tracks. Between racing parts many stunts and jumps are offered, but also some balance parts. Some tricks are hard to learn precise which makes this track so challenging. For some obstacles there are alternative ways which are easier but slower. It was played in RPG round race 6.
Also watch: RPG round race 6 Atlantis highlights
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Zeppelin Station

After his 'RPG map' - trilogy, Baron approached a new concept in his track 'Zeppelin Station'. He tried to construct a giant Zeppelin Station one could drive inside. For this he created the Zeppelin-Mod, Baron's first self-made mod. The rooms are generally quite large and are not completely closed. Many versatile, creative and innovative challenges are being offered in the course of the track taking advantage of all the possibilites the RPG genre offers. The track is quite hard, long and has many rooms which one will need time to discover. It was played in RPG round 6.
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The RPG track Seila was uploaded on the 5th April '09 by Kryw. It's a temple track and uses the GM mod. The rooms are built very big (which causes a high copper count of 17k) and some of them have an unusual design. The track was originally very hard but was made easier especially at two spots after an update (the water bump and one insane transition). It's not as hard as before, but still very challenging. Seila also got an MT-update with sounds and color-effects.
Also watch: Seila v.1 GPS
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Mario World

A very different atmospheric RPG-experience one could discover for the first time on Fish's track 'Mario World'. Instead of using a real-world-theme for the track, Fish chose to use the very abstract theme of the World of Super Mario. It uses a self-made mod which is very colorful and simple in detail, but creates a unique and very fitting ambience. The track has some harder spots but can also be driven by non-experts. It's very easy overlooking some ring checkpoints, so always keep an open eye (or watch the video).
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Palace India

Baron released his fifth RPG track 'Palace India' at the 14th April '09. The track's construction respresents an Indian Palace which looks very authentic. The GM mod is used here for the right ambience. Regarding the difficulty the track isn't too hard and even beginners will not need too long on their first drive as compared to other Barontracks. Palace India was also driven on the third RPG round race.
Also watch: RPG round race 3 Palace India
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Following one day after Palace India, the track Kheops: The TM mecanism was released by fish. It's an RPG centering around the mysteries of the Cheops's Pyramid. One starts at the top level of the track, entering the Sphinx and then taking off to break into the Pyramid. The track is very hard, offering many difficult obstacles and riddles that make the ride especially on the first run a long-winded experience. A massive amount of blockmixes were implemented in the track. It uses the Egyptian Stadium Mod which fish updated for this track to create a sandy and dusty atmosphere.
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Abou Simbel

The first and only RPG track by boubisis so far is Abou Simbel. Resembling a famous Egyptian Temple and using the Grande Muraille mod for it. It can be classified as one of the hardest RPG's, or even the hardest currently existing and is thus really only playable for the experts. It includes some of the most unimaginable hard pipe transitions, stunts and jumps which some people even found cuts for that are likewise crazy.
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After having built many temples and pyramids for his tracks layouts, Kryw approached this time the concept of a castle in his track Camelot. One starts outside the castle, uses a catapult to enter it and finishes by exiting the castle again. Recently it got an MT-update with ingame sound that made the already existing atmosphere even more exciting. The track has an intermediate difficulty but is hard to discover on first drive. Beginners will also find it difficult passing the third last cp as it is very long and hard.
Also watch: Camelot intro
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Abenteuer 3

The third RPG of Hogleg 'Abenteuer 3' is harder than Temple of Doom, longer and has more obstacles in it. It still uses the Grande Muraille mod, and is constructed as a temple. The last CP is epicly hard when driving the first time (if not taking the cut) ^^
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Dark Forest

Dark Forest is Stromek's first RPG, released 10th May 2009. It uses the GM mod, but with no locator. The track is extremely long, with the current world record clocking in at 29 minutes. The route is not always clear, but you should be able to find the way at the end. It will probably take around 2 hours to drive the first time, so remember to have good time before starting on this one.
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Dendron is Stromek's second RPG track, also with the GM mod. This one is even bigger than Dark Forest, and Stromek's online world record is 32 minutes. Most tricks in this track are extremely original and require many attempts in your first run.
Also watch: Dendron start
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Technological Breakdown

The first and only RPG track of cranberries so far, released on the 26th May 2009. The track is build in a 8x8x3o Box and is thus very compact with a length of approximately 10min. As it is also build very open, one can get lost in the track or miss a checkpoint more quickly than in other RPG's. One could argue that the track is not an RPG but in fact a trial-track as it is missing all typical RPG elements. However, the track creates a unique atmosphere only by it's dense design and architecture and can thus be called an RPG.
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Pyramids of Giza

After having built two test-rpg's, HardDance showed his full potential building a replica of the Pyramids of Giza as an RPG. The route is mostly build inside the three pyramids and due to their small sizes the track is very dense and compact. Surprisingly for a pyramid-environment the track uses the Middle-Age Mod which actually fits quite good to the dense architecture. The route is rather short for an RPG (about 7 minutes) and of intermediate difficulty with two or three trickier spots.
Also watch: Intro · Pyramids of Giza - Hawk's Run (6'54''13) uncut · The maze · Beta version GPS · The maze from the beta version
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The Labyrinth

The first RPG of eie 'The Labyrinth' underwent many changes after its first betatest to become the track we know today. The track was quite different in style when it came out, contrasting strongly to the usual RPG with its steady flow and the smooth transitions. There are not many adventerous obstacles in the track but rather many jumps and transitions which have to be discovered. The track uses the GM mod and is build as a temple which one exits only one time right at the finish.
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The RPG track 'czakram' was also Jurek's first one. It is built in the traditional RPG-style and is also using Grande Muraille for the mod. The route can be driven very fluent, mostly it concentrates on plain platform-driving but also some obstacles and jumps are in it. A good start for beginners; for RPG experts the track is quite relaxing to drive.
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With 'Polytech Plasma' (18-Jun-2009) Kryw tried to create an entirely different RPG experience. The difficulty of the track lies in the transparency of the mod, with which just about every block in the track is nearly transparent. It is thus very hard to navigate in this track's environment and to find the route, which makes up this new adventerous experience. There are no challenging obstacles to overcome in this track, the only hard part is to not get confused with your ability to see through blocks. It is highly recommended to have the mod activated when playing the track, else it is impossible to see some hints.
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Legoland - City Centre

This track is a huge lego city, of course with the original lego mod. It's hard to find the way, you have to drive carefully so you get all CP's. The tricks are original, hard the first time and easier the next times, so you can go hunting. It will probably take about one hour to drive it the first time. It's made by Golo and was his first RPG.
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Occam's Tribute

The only RPG build so far by Chazu is this rather short and easy track named 'Occam's Tribute' (22-Jun-2009), dedicated to occam for his work in the community. Chazu used the Middle Age Mod for the track and was able to create a good atmosphere with it. A good track for record hunting as it is possible to drive the track very precise.
Also watch: RPG round race 7 highlights
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Baron's latest track HyperCube (22-Jun-2009) is based on the movie 'hypercube', insofar that the track consists of one big cube and that the mod creates a cubic-like atmosphere. Due to this special layout, the track doesn't have the length one normally would expect on a baron-track (6min).
The track's difficulty is medium and can thus be finished quite quickly.
Also watch: RPG round race 8 highlights
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After a short break, Fish released this new track on the 25th June 2009. After having updated the Lego-City mod, he put all the (Lego)blocks together to form his idea of a Lego-City, containing various buildings and objects one can identify easily. The track is quite long (14min) and can be hard to discover at some spots. Together with the typical difficulty one is used to on fish-tracks, the track is not very well suited for a start in the RPG-genre. For experts a must to drive though.
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Traces on Sand

Traces on Sand was D3mon's first RPG. It is very versatile; offering many different obstacles, challenges and having a good change-over between open and indoor areas. It uses the original Egyptian Stadium Mod and is not too hard in difficulty.
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Tree of Life

About one month after his track 'Dendron', Stromek released a new track called Tree of Life on the 29th June '09. The track uses an updated version of the Forest mod and builds up a very distinctive wooden atmosphere. It is much easier to drive than Stromek's previous two RPG's. Still very adventerous though with some not-that-obvious spots. TMX link:
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Invasion of Sobékite

After having stolen a Zeppelin on Seila, you are about to steal a treasure from Anubis in this RPG. It is of course made by Kryw, the author of Sobékite. One can recognize already at the start that some parts of the original Sobékite were kept in this RPG, though some of them being altered. It is very different in the style compared to Sobékite. There are many wall .borders, hard jumps etc in it. The difficulty went up and also the 'race style' of Sobékite got replaced by more obstacle-driving. The atmosphere is as adventurous like in Sobékite, of course with the GM mod.
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Abandoned Castle

Two month after his last RPG, Hogleg released 'Abandoned Castle', his hardest and longest RPG so far. Like nearly all of Hogleg's RPG's it uses the GM mod. It's very hard finding the way into the castle and once inside it, it's not getting much easier; facing various tricky rooms. Sure a great track for drivers with advanced skills.
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Fish's track tmCry (06-Jul-2009) tries to imitate the atmosphere from the game FarCry. It therefore uses a self-made mod with metallic- and jungle textures. The track is very open and flat. Many waterblocks and dirthills were used to give the appearance of islands and to hide indoor-parts. It also uses music from the game FarCry which brings the experience even closer to the game. Some parts of the track are very hard to discover on first sight and they will probably still be hard after more tries which makes this track very exiting for experts.
Also watch: tmCry v1
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A Trip to the Hills

The second RPG from eie 'A trip to the hills' was released at the 6th July '09. It is similar to The Labyrinth to the extent that it is also very transition- and jumpbased. It has an open design; meaning that it doesn't use platformblocks to shape rooms for the most part. It is also build in the height. This unusual design, added with the middle age mod gives it an unique atmosphere. The jumps are not too hard, thus the track can be finished quite easily on the first run.
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Abandoned Factory

The first track from .maX, 'Abandoned Factory', was released at the 8th July 2009. As the name suggests it's atmosphere resembles the one of a factory, seemingly abandoned. Mainly the self-made mod and the tracks design contribute to this very authentic industrial feeling. The track currently holds the record for the longest true RPG, with a track length of 24 minutes without respawns, and for some people probably also the record for the longest first-drive. Despite this track length, .maX managed to keep the rooms relatively big for the most part and to have a copper amount under 15k. The track route offers many race and speed parts but also includes many rooms which have to be discovered carefully. The track is not very suited to beginners due to its difficulty.
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At the 15th July '09 Stromek released his track 'Scrapiron'. The track features a custom mod made by himself, called Rustmod, which gives a nice rusty and metallic atmosphere. In true Stromek-style, the tricks are hard and even require some thinking. The track is around 12 minutes without respawns.
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Among the Ruins

A few weeks after his first RPG track, D3mon released 'Among the Ruins' on the 16th July '09. It is similar to Traces on Sand in using the Egyptian Stadium Mod likewise. The top of the track (which is the start- and finishsection) consists completely out of dirt and dirthills with platformblocks inbetween. Like in no other RPG, D3mon also blockmixed huge amount of dirthills inside the rooms; creating a very authentic atmosphere of ruins. The track is not too hard but has some harder spots, a good challenge for the average driver.
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Jungle Valley

Jungle Valley is iGrizzli's second and latest RPG (16-Jul-2009) which is in its concept a very interesting track as it doesn't make use of the traditional approach of creating separated rooms. Instead, it is build completely open and has only a few layers in the height. A very strong atmosphere is created nevertheless through the dense building in combination with the Route-Des-Templiers Mod. The trackroute is very easy...well suited for beginners and experts can try to do it without respawns.
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Chemical X

Chemical X was a collaborative project between HawkGer and Hardarm. It sets place in a chemical facility and therefore uses the Metal Stadium mod to create the right setting. The track is about 12 minutes long and quite hard to drive especially the first time as the route is not always obvious.
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Zone Zero

With his third track 'Zone Zero' (Released 22rd July 2009) Jurek decided to explore new grounds by creating a track with an open industrial design, being the first to make use of the now very popular mod 'Drack-Car'. The track is rather easy for experienced drivers and also easy to explore on first-drive.
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One day after Zone Zero the new RPG track "Tenochtitlan" saw its light. It's a Fish-track and it varies from his other RPG's in its difficulty. Usually his RPG's are more suitable for experts but this one can be driven by beginners too. The track represents a replica of the Aztec's Empire capital 'Tenochtitlan'. It uses the self-made Inca mod, which got quite popular after this release, to convey the right atmosphere.
Also watch: RPG round race 4 Tenochtitlan · Tenochtitlan party tour · Tenochtitlan party tour vid 2 · Tenochtitlan photoshoot · Tenochtitlan photoshoot video 2 ·
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The first RPG by Enai Siaion, 'Baofengxue' was released at the 23rd July '09. It makes use of a lot of MT with which during the course of the track a story is being forwarded. The track is build as a city in which one is being held captive. There are also many individual sections that are designed according to the story. It uses the Icebraker Mod by Greenracer and is easy to drive plus short in length. A good track for beginners and for all fans of story tracks.
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The Boat

This RPG track by Stromek centers around a pirate boat which has to be discovered. Starting outside the boat one has to reach a lighthouse, enter the ship and finally make it to the sails. During your drive you will be accompanied visually by a talking parrot. The track uses the Forest-mod and - like most Stromek-tracks - is pretty challenging to drive.
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The Last Crusade

The Last Crusade is an RPG built by AtoM and was released on the 25th July '09. It uses the GM mod. The design is very basic but it still creates a nice atmosphere. The track has intermediate dificulty and is around 9 minutes long. Some spots seem a bit tricky and random at first, but with a little practice they can be driven easily.
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"[RPG|Forest!!" is a hard RPG, with a forest/wood mod and is made by Zehirmann. The route itself is very clear (except for a hole maze), but still you have to use your brain a little to make it. It also has an epic last CP, which probably is a bit easier with a pad than with a keyboard.
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Poseidon's Wrath

Poseidon's Wrath, the second RPG of .maX is somewhat similar to his first one in trackdesign, length and difficulty. This time however, you find yourself discovering the ruins of an underwater-temple. The UnderTheSeas mod convinces one of this atmosphere quite good. MT-effects are also being used to create a dramatic atmosphere and to deliver the story.
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Sobékite 2008 ? I have forgotten ^^
you forgot the map of rafale ;)
I haven't forgotten 'Enigmes'..rafale's track. Tec and I agreed that it would mess up the timeline because it was released August 2008 and that we would write a prologue for this track probably instead.
What I did forget though is the track 'Traces on Sand' and I'm sorry about that ;) There will be an article about it nonetheless..
It's Enai 'Siaion'. :P
oh thanks for pointing that out Enai Siaion, I will update the timeline today with the correct name and with 'Traces On Sand' included :)
Mario World is deleted from TMX or hided....
We are aware of that.. Fish's little brother deleted it from TMX after playing it ^^. I'm waiting for the RPG Archive account on TMX to be ready before I update the link
Also i can't find the video of Mario World :S
I haven't added it yet.. still working hard on this page.. making videos every night
I found the video :)
I just have problems connecting to the game master server now :S (offtopic)
Hey, the tmx-link of mario world is not correct anymore.
Maybe you could link to the RPGArchive account. Also Traces on Sand could be linked like this.
ah, thanks for mentioning the broken links. It's fixed ;)
erm, what'bout the other tracks?
When you want update it?
this is the history of RPG. there is nothing to update, these are all the oldest tracks.
HEy , you forgotten RPG source , RPG track hardness has been taken from his father the TRIAL who has been born from a nadeo plateform track called Vertigo (knowned as the hardest plateform track) ! :D
Hello HawkGer ... i too put track RPG (in TMX ist my nick --dominik) i have 7 track, You could see it and then tell me what are they?
time to update this?
update? it's the early history, not everything RPG.
I have a question: how the RPG editors can put blocks in blocks?
Not only RPG creators can do this! I'm a RPG creator but I put block in block in LOL & Tech maps!
If u want put block in block click here:
Что такое RPG? Что такое ролевые игры? Онлайн
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