The aim of this following table is to give an overview of all RPG tracks currently existing together with their specific properties, making the access to information about RPG tracks as easy as possible. That said, we are not all-knowing on this matter and we would of course appreciate it very much when giving us notice about missing or incorrect data, either by leaving a comment here or sending HawkGer a message on TMX. By default, all entries are sorted by their release-date. It is however possible to sort by Name, Author, Difficulty, Mod etc. as well by clicking on the specific caption. Clicking the links for track names and authors will give you more information; the mod-links will start a download. The GPS Video section provides you with links to Youtube videos showing the route of the track. Last update: 24 May '12
Name | Author | Released | GPS Video | Mod | Coppers | AT | WR | Record holder |
Enigmes | Rafale | 08.10.27 | no | GM | 11223 | 09:50.75 | 06:55.08 | Igntul |
Sobékite | Kryw | 08.12.23 | no | GM | 15091 | 11:02.61 | 09:15.73 | Realized2 |
Sobékite v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | yes | GM | 14991 | 13:20.26 | 11:29.56 | Kryw |
Lubaantun | Kryw | 09.01.02 | no | IncaS. | 13292 | 10:50.79 | 09:16.27 | Mt17 |
Lubaantun v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | yes | GM | 12836 | 11:24.68 | 10:46.82 | Kryw |
Lubaantun v2 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | no | GM | 12914 | 10:50.72 | 09:26.10 | Baron |
Honduras | Kryw | 09.01.05 | no | IncaS. | 18230 | 20:33.00 | 18:02.47 | HawkGer |
Honduras v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | yes | GM | 17477 | 16:06.60 | 14:02.61 | Klody |
Sesostris | Kryw | 09.01.24 | yes | GM | 13100 | 07:16.27 | 06:51.53 | Hyllez |
Sesostris v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | no | GM | 10678 | 08:09.43 | 06:32.68 | HawkGer |
Sesostris v2 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | yes | GM | 13030 | 08:10.19 | 07.57.09 | Rared |
RPG map 1 | Baron | 09.02.01 | yes | GM | 9492 | 13:55.36 | 09:49.04 | Dawe |
Mykérinos | Kryw | 09.02.03 | yes | GM | 12034 | 15:43.97 | 11:06.92 | Dawe |
Mykérinos v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | no | GM | 9811 | 23:32.21 | xx.xx.xx | - |
Mykérinos v2 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | no | GM | 10345 | 25:16.95 | 13:50.92 | TunniQ |
RPG map 2 | Baron | 09.02.16 | yes | GM | 7392 | 14:29.36 | 07:43.34 | Dawe |
Fantasy Long | Focus | 09.02.18 | no | - | 2662 | 14:06.05 | 07:20.36 | Guybrush |
Tournalin | Focus | 09.02.22 | yes | GM | 2280 | 09:31.31 | 05:24.35 | Simon |
RPG map 3 | Baron | 09.02.26 | yes | GM | 11032 | 35:49.52 | 12:49.02 | Realized2 |
The Great Escape | Fish | 09.03.01 | yes | TGE | 17670 | 23:46.84 | 17:58.25 | Trunks |
The Great Esca... | Fish | xx.xx.xx | yes | TGE 2 | 14367 | 29:59.32 | 18:45.69 | Marty |
Mars Attacks | Fish | 09.03.08 | yes | Alien | 8191 | 21:51.21 | 09:28.80 | R00bot |
Il nome della rosa | Fish | 09.03.21 | yes | MA 2 | 11129 | 24:37.57 | 13:03.13 | Mt17 |
Il nome della r... | Fish | xx.xx.xx | yes | MA | 10819 | 25:08.88 | 15:58.75 | HawkGer |
Temple of Doom | Hogleg | 09.03.26 | yes | GM | 6152 | 10:30.44 | 05:44.55 | Mt17 |
Saqqarah | Kryw | 09.03.27 | no | GM | 6929 | 07:15.93 | 05:16.87 | Realized2 |
Saqqarah v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | yes | GM | 6551 | 10:06.77 | 07:05.94 | Starsky |
Saqqarah v2 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | yes | GM | 7078 | 11:08.60 | 07:44.05 | Sandro |
Atlantis | Meky | 09.03.28 | yes | GM | 6131 | 22:46.74 | 08:14.27 | Mt17 |
Eyes Open | Sleiver | 09.03.31 | yes | GM | 3750 | 06:47.42 | 05:28.48 | Mario |
Zeppelin Station | Baron | 09.04.01 | yes | ZS | 9402 | 19:49.44 | 12:09.87 | Realized2 |
Seila | Kryw | 09.04.05 | yes | GM | 18629 | 17:14.54 | 09:08.08 | Realized2 |
Seila v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | no | GM | 17179 | 18:34.27 | 11:33.60 | Baron |
Mario World | Fish | xx.xx.xx | yes | Mario | 8887 | 23:34.60 | 10:20.98 | Kilburn |
Mission Imposs... | Hogleg | 09.04.12 | no | N/A | 6811 | 09:08.65 | 05:02.41 | B1ts |
Survial | Sharky | 09.04.12 | no | - | 3917 | 07:59.96 | 03:58.06 | Jerem |
Palace India | Baron | 09.04.14 | yes | GM | 12638 | 11:43.77 | 07:08.57 | Realized2 |
Kheops: TM me... | Fish | 09.04.15 | yes | Egypt | 13936 | 29:32.36 | 13:47.70 | NomNom |
Temple of Water | Torpedo | 09.04.20 | no | - | 5036 | 12:00.22 | 06:16.28 | Impi |
Abou Simbel | Boubisis | 09.04.21 | yes | GM | 12589 | 56:06.64 | 15:40.64 | Mt17 |
Big Toads | Nattykiller | 09.04.23 | no | GM | 7247 | 19:13.70 | 06:55.60 | MarnickV |
Camelot | Kryw | 09.04.24 | yes | MA | 8357 | 10:39.28 | 09:06.50 | Tortugo |
Camelot v1 | Kryw | xx.xx.xx | no | MA | 8315 | 12:59.71 | 09:51.72 | TunniQ |
Abenteuer 3 | Hogleg | 09.05.01 | yes | GM | 9004 | 34:40.43 | 07:53.36 | Mt17 |
Dark Forest | Stromek | 09.05.10 | no | GM | 18000 | 29:48.60 | 17:44.78 | Realized2 |
Through Wick... | SindreGB | 09.05.13 | no | - | 5773 | 13:53.44 | 04:54.15 | Kilburn |
Temple of Laby... | Alfa | 09.05.18 | no | - | 5298 | 09:49.22 | 05:55.14 | Insensus |
Secret of Ikaros | Alfa | 09.05.22 | no | - | 6418 | 17:21.94 | 05:56.60 | Realized2 |
Dendron | Stromek | 09.05.24 | no | GM | 12835 | 37:14.29 | 19:36.72 | Realized2 |
Technological B. | Cranberries | 09.05.26 | yes | - | 5875 | 14:39.46 | 08:03.39 | Mario |
Darkest Darkness | Alfa | 09.05.29 | no | - | 7503 | 29:21.01 | 16:20.79 | HawkGer |
THe M sToRy | Stromek | 09.06.01 | no | Forest | 7407 | 07:44.05 | 05:31.70 | Xantia |
Tha Bomb | Bieflap | 09.06.06 | no | GM | 2800 | 05:25.58 | 03:53.48 | Realized2 |
Pyramids of Giza | HardDance | 09.06.07 | yes | MA | 7324 | 11:51.98 | 06:28.64 | Realized2 |
Nostra Culpa | JohNNy | 09.06.11 | no | - | 6611 | 68:19.94 | 11:52.54 | Realized2 |
The Labyrinth | Eie | 09.06.12 | yes | GM | 11829 | 18:52.37 | 11:21.18 | Realized2 |
The Labyrinth B... | Eie | xx.xx.xx | no | GM | 7207 | 15:37.33 | 09:16.43 | Tecfan |
Exacidie | Hardarm | 09.06.13 | no | GM | 2161 | 15:47.54 | 05:30.83 | TunniQ |
Legomania | Kryw | 09.06.14 | yes | Lego | 4383 | 04:47.50 | 03:26.75 | Realized2 |
Blue Line Cretin | Tecfan | 09.06.15 | no | N/A | 6294 | 08:28.79 | 06:17.24 | Realized2 |
Czakram | Jurek | 09.06.16 | yes | GM | 6342 | 11:59.80 | 06:15.89 | Realized2 |
RPG - Fun | Kaalw | 09.06.16 | no | - | 5814 | 13:11.72 | 06:13.89 | HawkGer |
SwtEniqmatique | Geo80 | 09.06.16 | no | GM | 12389 | 42:56.34 | 11:43.38 | Realized2 |
Polytech Plasma | Kryw | 09.06.18 | yes | Blue | 14772 | 06:44.07 | 04:31.89 | MarnickV |
Oda Sihirli | Hardarm | 09.06.19 | yes | Trash | 2555 | 14:21.52 | 04:35.23 | MiniGod |
Temples of Syrinx | Tecfan | 09.06.19 | yes | MA | 5734 | 09:17.46 | 06:31.89 | Kilburn |
TMW.RPG-2 | Lucifer | 09.06.19 | no | N/A | 5437 | 11:07.54 | 06:27.05 | Mario |
TMW.RPG-3 | Lucifer | 09.06.19 | no | N/A | 8603 | 21:27.00 | 09:50.25 | Bam |
Legoland - City... | Golo | 09.06.21 | yes | Lego | 10828 | 15:58.66 | 12:02.07 | Voyager006 |
Occam's Tribute | Chazu | 09.06.21 | yes | MA | 6163 | 10:27.99 | 05:10.43 | Voyager006 |
HyperCube | Baron | 09.06.22 | yes | Cube | 4994 | 07:59.22 | 05:31.61 | NomNom |
TMW.RPG-1 | Lucifer | 09.06.22 | no | N/A | 8074 | 25:14.49 | 17:41.86 | Nyco |
Legopolis | Fish | 09.06.25 | yes | Lego | 9748 | 19:20.02 | 11:57.22 | HawkGer |
Traces On Sand | D3mon | xx.xx.xx | yes | Egypt | 12181 | 12:14.68 | 08:37.47 | Kilburn |
Pulp Fiction | AtoM | 09.06.25 | no | - | 11076 | 21:29.27 | 13:24.18 | R00bot |
Tree OF Life | Stromek | 09.06.29 | no | Forest | 8771 | 23:30.84 | 18:58.30 | sSs_Motors |
RPG-fantastic | IGrizzli | 09.07.02 | no | N/A | 3485 | 17:17.81 | 07:06.06 | Bear Toy |
TEMPLE OF d?? | Geo80 | 09.07.02 | yes | N/A | 13037 | 26:46.26 | 13:14.55 | Realized2 |
Tree OF Life on... | Stromek | 09.07.02 | no | Forest | 8800 | 21:29.26 | 13:09.58 | Realized2 |
Animal I Have B... | Tuning Mania | 09.07.03 | no | - | 3551 | 06:42.32 | 03:03.49 | Realized2 |
Away From T... | Tuning Mania | 09.07.03 | yes | - | 3179 | 07:04.26 | 03:08.63 | Realized2 |
Escape The Fate | Tuning Mania | 09.07.03 | no | - | 4475 | 07:49.86 | 05:10.47 | Realized2 |
Cold fire | IGrizzli | 09.07.04 | yes | Stone | 4867 | 14:42.97 | 06:24.86 | MiniGod |
Abandoned Castle | Hogleg | 09.07.05 | yes | GM | 10380 | 33:39.41 | 11:30.11 | Realized2 |
Invasion of Sobe... | Kryw | 09.07.05 | yes | GM | 14252 | 11:01.07 | 10:15.43 | Nyco |
Mooroon | Jurek | 09.07.05 | no | GM | 3677 | 13:30.68 | 05:26.18 | Kilburn |
A trip to the hills | Eie | 09.07.06 | yes | MA | 11595 | 13:58.08 | 09:28.77 | Realized2 | 1st | Zulu | 09.07.06 | no | Stone | 3949 | 17:08.96 | 06:24.91 | Mixalis |
The Atomsma... | Hardarm | 09.07.06 | no | Alien | 4287 | 57:23.21 | 11:09.45 | Staut |
TmCry | Fish | 09.07.06 | yes | FC | 6360 | 09:22.52 | 04:07.52 | Realized2 |
TmCry v1 | Fish | xx.xx.xx | yes | FC | 6313 | 08:36:71 | 08:51.69 | Frost |
Abandoned Fac... | .maX | 09.07.08 | yes | Metal | 16000 | 19:23.61 | 21:10.97 | Realized2 |
Kill Bill | AtoM | 09.07.09 | no | GM | 6017 | 10:12.07 | 04:27.86 | Realized2 |
MetalBlog | DasEimer | 09.07.13 | no | Metal | 5383 | 12:13.28 | 04:53.39 | Nyco |
Calketh Adv... | Calketh | 09.07.14 | no | GM | 6032 | 04:31.10 | 02:59.70 | Kilburn |
My First | Zehirmann | 09.07.15 | no | - | 5270 | 10:20.17 | 08:02.62 | Bam |
Scrapiron | Stromek | 09.07.15 | yes | Rust | 8162 | 16:47.59 | 08:31.81 | Realized2 |
Among The Ruins | D3mon | xx.xx.xx | yes | Egypt | 12755 | 12:18.31 | 09:09.73 | Realized2 |
Jungle Valley | IGrizzli | 09.07.16 | yes | Route | 7850 | 09:34.37 | 06:01.94 | MarnickV |
Metal Kom | Sparco | 09.07.16 | no | Oris | 10266 | 19:37:78 | 07:44.51 | DeathCookies |
Noodu_Home | Sleiver | 09.07.16 | no | Forest | 7578 | 18:56.46 | 10:54.15 | Max |
Chemical X | Ha+Ha | 09.07.17 | yes | Metal | 10945 | 12:42.33 | 10:10.35 | Kilburn |
Evasion!! | Zehirmann | 09.07.17 | no | N/A | 6435 | 14:59.64 | 08:19.41 | Voyager006 |
Blo-c-ity!! | Zehirmann | 09.07.20 | no | Urban | 5562 | 26:04.55 | 15:27.15 | Realized2 |
Psychoteror | RazorZX | 09.07.20 | no | Alien | 8123 | 15:49.03 | 11:27.10 | Steppke |
Temple of heaven | RazorZX | 09.07.22 | no | - | 6543 | 11:07.06 | 08:09.80 | Realized2 |
Baofengxue | Enai Siaion | 09.07.23 | yes | Ice | 11280 | 09:57.06 | 06:06.67 | Kilburn |
Mana | Link9 | 09.07.23 | no | S.rust | 8641 | 14:51.34 | 07:56.68 | TunniQ |
Tenochtitlan | Fish | 09.07.23 | no | Inca | 8621 | 10:30.77 | 06:55.44 | Realized2 |
Tenochtitlan v1 | Fish | xx.xx.xx | yes | Inca | 8570 | 10:55.41 | 08:10.69 | Tecfan |
Zone Zero | Jurek | 09.07.23 | yes | Drack | 5920 | 13:20.03 | 07:35.84 | DisGo |
Forest!! | Zehirmann | 09.07.25 | yes | Bois | 6824 | 28:50.46 | 10:05.94 | Tecfan |
Pimp my[RPG] | Zulu | 09.07.25 | no | | 4223 | 06:07.39 | 05:06.04 | Realized2 |
The Last Crusade | AtoM | 09.07.25 | yes | GM | 10762 | 13:04.34 | 07:29.90 | Starsky |
Woodislands | R00bot | 09.07.25 | yes | Wood | 7049 | 15:33.76 | 10:01.20 | Onicole |
Poseidon's Wrath | .maX | 09.07.26 | yes | Sea | 16300 | 21:14.25 | 16:05.78 | Realized2 |
The boat | Stromek | 09.07.26 | yes | Forest | 9511 | 19:42.01 | 10:38.19 | Realized2 |
Catacombs | Riishuu | 09.07.27 | yes | Egypt | 7134 | 10:07.05 | 09:54.61 | Buraaa |
TM ADVENTURE | Geo80 | 09.07.28 | no | Route | 10626 | 16:31.86 | 13:10.30 | Max |
Asfalt Tango | Luk_on_fire | 09.07.30 | yes | Asfalt | 7880 | 07:36.53 | 04:15.30 | Kilburn |
Castle of Sha... | Eie | 09.07.31 | yes | MA | 14109 | 17:05.54 | 09:50.86 | Realized2 |
Domnann | Kryw | 09.08.01 | yes | WD | 13109 | 13:31.91 | 08:34.85 | Simon |
Indiana Jones | Big Al | 09.08.01 | no | Inca | 3659 | 10:14.22 | 03:31.33 | Realized2 |
Darkwood | Chapper666 | 09.08.03 | no | WD | 2464 | 12:18.32 | 04:19.81 | Morico |
Stone!! | Zehirmann | 09.08.03 | yes | Stone | 6669 | 15:03.96 | 08:02.58 | Realized2 |
Holy Moly | Zulu | 09.08.05 | yes | Stone | 8000 | 12:52.69 | 08:55.79 | Kanaka |
Castle of Counts | RazorZX | 09.08.06 | no | MA | 10435 | 09:31.43 | 04:34.36 | Realized2 |
MONTEZUM... | Tstargermany | 09.08.07 | yes | MT | 8658 | 10:42.22 | 07:18.28 | Onicole |
Temple of Fort... | Empy | 09.08.07 | no | Sea | 9179 | 12:28.16 | 08:40.44 | Realized2 |
Castle of Dar... | Brutal | 09.08.09 | no | MA | 6116 | 07:15.81 | 04:31.72 | Roa |
Endurance!! | Zehirmann | 09.08.09 | no | - | 15698 | 37:35.14 | 22:27.61 | Realized2 |
Visionary | Forster | 09.08.09 | yes | WD | 4051 | 17:26.38 | 05:12.05 | DeathCookies |
Lengthy | Svbg869 | 09.08.09 | no | Drack | 9940 | 29:27.92 | 22:26.47 | Realized2 |
First Edititon | >Y< | 09.08.12 | yes | Stone | 9177 | 11:15.40 | 06:51.14 | Kilburn |
Chilling Mountain | Eie | 09.08.14 | no | Moun | 7356 | 05:04.37 | 03:28.28 | Realized2 |
Camateraz | Brutal | 09.08.15 | yes | Inca | 5367 | 11:40.66 | 04:59.73 | Realized2 |
Oneiric | Forster | 09.08.15 | no | WD | 6587 | 33:12.60 | 14:04.51 | Realized2 |
Ghost Factory | Sox1 | 09.08.16 | yes | Drack | 4801 | 09:34.58 | 04:29.33 | Realized2 |
Forest Bury | The_oh_gaver | 09.08.18 | no | Forest | 7234 | 08:58.95 | 05:16.53 | DeathCookies |
Sports | Big Al | 09.08.19 | yes | Forest | 6642 | 30:23.56 | 10:23.89 | Realized2 |
Sylvan | Forster | 09.08.19 | no | Wood | 6053 | 15:24.55 | 08:29.93 | DisGo |
Catalyst | Chapper666 | 09.08.20 | no | Drack | 4054 | 16:13.23 | 06:21.26 | Kilburn |
Project Kitchen | Stromek | 09.08.20 | no | Kitchen | 11731 | 24:53.58 | 12:29.42 | Kilburn |
Hanzbor City | Error1.3 | 09.08.25 | no | GM | 5378 | 13:12.34 | 07:47.54 | Tecfan |
Art OF RPG | Yawee | 09.08.26 | no | - | 7092 | 16:08.97 | 10:06.63 | ALF! |
Avisos | Zulu | 09.08.28 | yes | N/A | 10453 | 15:49.12 | 10:01.53 | Realized2 |
Dune Sand | Jurek | 09.08.28 | yes | Egypt | 5586 | 07:35.54 | 05:41.95 | Voyager006 |
Harinborger | Error1.3 | 09.08.29 | no | GM | 6173 | 07:34.87 | 04:46.27 | Kilburn |
Mini Reef | Riishuu | 09.08.29 | yes | Sea | 4766 | 05:42.28 | 05:20.51 | Buraaa |
Ex Gehenna 2 | Enai Siaion | 09.08.30 | yes | Drack | 10812 | 09:23.92 | 06:46.93 | Mt17 |
Ex Gehenna v1 | Enai Siaion | xx.xx.xx | yes | Drack | 10812 | 11:56.81 | 08:34.41 | BeWaRe |
Puzzletime | Stromek | 09.08.30 | yes | Puzzle | 10856 | 12:21.52 | 07:06.57 | Mario |
ThaOldTimer | Dule_96 | 09.09.01 | no | N/A | 5708 | 24:52.70 | 15:50.19 | Giorgos |
The Factory | WISCOOL | 09.09.01 | no | Metal | 4250 | 18:07.79 | 07:17.75 | MiniGod |
M E T R O P O... | Katodik | 09.09.02 | no | Metro | 11085 | 26:46.21 | 13:56.37 | Flipper |
The Phant... | AtoM | 09.09.02 | yes | Egypt | 11795 | 21:47.77 | 07:32.79 | Realized2 |
Burning Mount... | Eie | 09.09.03 | no | Lava | 5525 | 04:50.51 | 04:07.40 | Realized2 |
Castlemania | Empy | 09.09.05 | no | MA | 8891 | 06:46.84 | 05:54.99 | Onicole |
JUNGLE | Alexor54 | 09.09.05 | no | Forest | 6903 | 09:32.95 | 06:33.42 | Gaspaw |
Tropical Saw | Pechic | 09.09.05 | no | N/A | 7815 | 45:52.94 | 12:57.75 | Realized2 |
Ice!! | Zehirmann | 09.09.07 | no | N/A | 3411 | 09:09.00 | 06:05.27 | Robin |
Army Training... | Lighthand | 09.09.08 | no | Army | 5455 | 39:07.71 | 12:38.85 | Kilburn |
Real_challenge | Marty | 09.09.10 | no | Tomb | 2724 | 23:31.07 | 19:44.07 | Drunk Racer |
Another Planet | Golo | 09.09.11 | yes | Wipe | 12006 | 10:04.52 | 06:48.84 | Realized2 |
Civilisation Chaos | Julon | 09.09.11 | no | Inca | 4336 | 16:56.90 | 07:25.26 | NomNom |
I seek your heart | Alfa | 09.09.11 | no | - | 7217 | 21:11.73 | 12:57.25 | Luffy |
Pustelnia | Jurek | 09.09.11 | yes | MA | 5395 | 15:05.56 | 06:41.53 | Slooks |
Sande Boks | Syr_Skwirrel | 09.09.11 | no | Sea | 16781 | 19:12.59 | 11:02.78 | DrunkRacer |
Avoid the Rain | Zulu | 09.09.12 | no | | 11652 | 12:48.90 | 07:24.13 | Realized2 |
Wood town | IGrizzli | 09.09.12 | no | WD | 10039 | 09:00.80 | 09:24.87 | HawkGer |
Area 51 | Fish | 09.09.13 | yes | Alien2 | 5651 | 13:47.21 | 06:35.26 | Realized2 |
Mansion of mad... | Fish+Ha | 09.09.14 | yes | MoM | 8126 | 09:07.54 | 06:31.64 | Realized2 |
De exicidio T... | Link9 | 09.09.18 | no | Ruins | 8882 | 13:20.75 | 08:51.55 | Steppke |
Five rooms | Mits_g13 | 09.09.18 | yes | Gray | 4617 | 32:15.42 | 11:57.22 | Realized2 |
Approval | Heavywater | 09.09.19 | no | Forest | 16639 | 23:40.51 | 12:52.13 | Insensus |
Colosseum | Pechic | 09.09.19 | yes | Asfalt | 11448 | 13:50.05 | 08:26.89 | Kilburn |
The Lost World | AtoM | 09.09.19 | yes | Forest | 21876 | 18:51.63 | 09:27.50 | Realized2 |
The march o... | Golo | 09.09.19 | yes | GM | 13391 | 14:52.95 | 09:21.45 | Realized2 |
Escape from... | Marty | 09.09.22 | no | Inca | 3679 | 14:03.36 | 05:56.68 | Slooks |
Evening sensat... | Mits_g13 | 09.09.22 | yes | Stone | 2440 | 09:58.37 | 04:12.57 | Realized2 |
Mouse in the H... | Zulu | 09.09.22 | yes | WD | 9163 | 20:30.30 | 09:48.58 | Simon |
The Jail Escape | Dule_96 | 09.09.22 | no | Drack | 12420 | 09:09.48 | 06:17.76 | Robin |
Cargo 714 | Solix | 09.09.25 | yes | FC | 12106 | 41:42.62 | 18:32.53 | Mt17 |
Quantum Leap | Katodik | 09.09.30 | yes | Quant | 24803 | 11:53.24 | 07:31.73 | MopLys |
Test Facility | Lucker | 09.10.04 | yes | Alien | 27489 | 32:07.13 | 15:49.21 | Tecfan |
4th Dimension | Airon | 09.10.04 | no | N/A | 9882 | 18:36.32 | 13:14.12 | Airon |
Shellproject | Footballfreak | 09.10.05 | no | N/A | 17900 | 17:13.49 | 09:47.66 | Realized2 |
Byance | AtoM | 09.10.07 | yes | GM | 10345 | 11:04.84 | 05:39.74 | Realized2 |
Take it easy *2 | Dimo | 09.10.10 | no | - | 2814 | 08:35.43 | 04:42.37 | Bioneer |
Inkatombes | Alexor54 | 09.10.10 | no | Inca | 5216 | 10:36.47 | 06:12.11 | Sh0rtz |
Eert75 | Stromek | 09.10.11 | yes | Eert75 | 11475 | 16:03.57 | 08:27.83 | Realized2 |
Omaha-Beach | Big Al | 09.10.16 | no | Omaha | 9001 | 19:51.88 | 12:22.48 | Realized2 |
Tomb for... | Alexor54 | 09.10.17 | no | Egypt | 9189 | 21:23.07 | 12:53.55 | Realized2 |
The Day after | Fi+HD+St | 09.10.19 | yes | 2084 | 13657 | 25:42.15 | 11:57.42 | Nomnom |
Jungle Safari | PegaJus | 09.10.20 | no | WD | 4972 | 22:17.12 | 06:31.43 | NoKaa |
Soviet Pride | Croco | 09.10.20 | yes | N/A | 7532 | 11:41.92 | 07:13.03 | NomNom |
Ice Virus | Henny | 09.10.23 | no | Ice | 3530 | 10:29.65 | 08:53.92 | Starsky |
Bedroom Proj. | Eaac | 09.10.24 | no | Black | 14624 | 18:15.89 | 10:45.77 | Realized2 |
The Cube | D@se 57 | 09.10.24 | no | Quant | 6737 | 15:00.37 | 43:36.96 | Baron |
Rusty Toilet | Julon | 09.10.26 | yes | Ruins | 10546 | 15:44.05 | 10:32.45 | Realized2 |
AlkatraZz | Hi-jumper | 09.10.27 | no | FC | 11932 | 33:31.38 | 13:45.15 | Sh0rtz |
Another Dim. | Zulu | 09.10.27 | no | Quant | 17799 | 07:20.98 | 06:39:25 | Kilburn |
V for Vendetta | AtoM | 09.10.27 | no | MoM | 11813 | 20:04.87 | 12:17.31 | Sh0rtz |
2012 | Wizzle | 09.10.27 | no | 2048 | 4419 | 12:00.96 | 06:58.83 | Simon |
Paranoyaks | Alexor54 | 09.10.29 | yes | WD | 5388 | 18:34.67 | 09:45.88 | Realized2 |
Dendron v2 | Stromek | 09.10.29 | yes | N/A | 11886 | 18:21.90 | 11:11.73 | Kilburn |
Lost Soultown | LittleCici | 09.10.30 | no | MoM | 4027 | 09:59.12 | 07:24.06 | Hoffern |
Being fish_UT° | Fish | 09.11.01 | yes | Garage | 7137 | 15:04.34 | 09:54.83 | MarnickV |
Bathroom | Hogleg | 09.11.01 | no | Kitchen | 14449 | 21:38.19 | 11:46.70 | Kilburn |
Rat Race | D@se 57 | 09.11.05 | no | Wood | 7716 | 17:05.60 | 07:20.97 | R00bot |
Daylight | Enai Siaion | 09.11.05 | no | 2084 | 10496 | 08:16.98 | 05:41.03 | Mt17 |
Last Sun | Sheep | 09.11.07 | no | Ruins | 7758 | 21:04.22 | 14:18.80 | Realized2 |
Route Des Tem | Fukufuji | 09.11.08 | no | Route | 4174 | 13:57.01 | 07:21.52 | ALF! |
MarihuanaVille | Kopstoot | 09.11.11 | no | Forest | 13776 | 20:21.05 | 12:04.08 | Realized2 |
Modern Times | AtoM | 09.11.12 | no | FC | 18243 | 19:40.34 | 12:55.34 | Onicole |
Manic Miner | Kotodik | 09.11.12 | yes | Miner | 16674 | 11:53.28 | 08:42.67 | Mt17 |
Labyrinth II | Eie | 09.11.13 | yes | GM | 15594 | 11:13.10 | 09:15.30 | Realized2 |
Oil Platform | Pechic | 09.11.16 | no | FC | 7749 | 14:12.42 | 07:56.09 | Realized2 |
LivingRoom | Airon | 09.11.17 | no | WD | 6500 | 12:13.00 | 05:41.78 | Kilburn |
Friday the 13 | FelleSwe | 09.11.19 | yes | GM | 6414 | 11:39.63 | 05:51.76 | Realized2 |
Invasion of Alien | Alexor54 | 09.11.20 | no | Alien2 | 7127 | 15:11.43 | 13:58.26 | WaveWorldCavy |
Venezia | Igntul | 09.11.23 | yes | Venice | 3860 | 06:53.99 | 05:22.92 | Nyco |
Sunnymorning | Ybonex | 09.11.24 | no | RPG | 4902 | 13:22.58 | 05:51.79 | Realized2 |
The last flight | Stromek | 09.11.29 | yes | WS | 5000 | 09:33.22 | 05:43.65 | Mt17 |
Revenge of... | Jimmy | 09.11.29 | no | Metro | 9702 | 20:48.13 | 18:16.45 | Jimmy |
Old Wood | Prog_Prophet | 09.12.02 | no | Oldwood | 6330 | 16:36.44 | 09:42.29 | ALF! |
Speed RPG | Sk8snow4life | 09.12.02 | no | GM | 14730 | 17:45.68 | 05:13.42 | Sk8snow4life |
Arcadia | Enai Siaion | 09.12.04 | no | Sea | 13018 | 12:21.45 | 06:07.11 | Realized2 |
Tikal | Hogleg | 09.12.06 | no | Stone | 10821 | 21:50.06 | 08:39.33 | Realized2 |
Atlantiss | Fish | 09.12.06 | yes | Miner | 5230 | 08:15.15 | 05:26.70 | MarnickV |
The End of... | Grizz_jbv | 09.12.06 | no | GM | 15531 | 39:39.47 | 17:54.21 | Hyllez |
Hunting Santa... | Lucker + BigAl | 09.12.07 | no | X-mas | 17280 | 21:22.61 | 16:19.02 | Realized2 |
Journey to Ibiza | Jimmy | 09.12.07 | no | Sea | 16702 | 37:51.64 | 23:49.11 | Steppke |
Teotihuacan | Igntul | 09.12.08 | yes | MT | 11102 | 19:39.17 | 11:25.10 | Realized2 |
Thegreenhell | Ybonex | 09.12.09 | yes | Rust | 18861 | 65:19.37 | 25:00.54 | Realized2 |
Rush Hour | Naruveli | 09.12.11 | no | Urban | 6544 | 23:44.03 | 10:54.39 | Steppke |
Old society | Sk8now4life | 09.12.11 | no | Tomb | 18247 | 17:34.97 | 12:03.56 | Igntul |
Sector B | Scorpion | 09.12.13 | yes | FC | 9366 | 12:15.14 | 10:34.03 | EvO |
Planes in the... | Eachare | 09.12.13 | no | S.Pro | 9148 | 66:48.27 | 22:41.67 | Funnybear |
R-240np | D@se 57 | 09.12.16 | no | 2084 | 5892 | 17:16.16 | 05:54.24 | Tac |
Four Powers | Sebik1992 | 09.12.16 | yes | Miner | 9346 | 11:59.99 | 09:21.00 | DisGo |
Lonely eskimo | vyQ | 09.12.17 | no | Sea | 7833 | 20:29.32 | 10:11.28 | Bacardi |
Fang | Svbg869 | 09.12.19 | no | Oldwood | 25971 | 27:17.65 | 08:43.86 | Realized2 |
Polaris | Jurek | 09.12.20 | yes | Polaris | 17042 | 15:02.58 | 07:56.87 | Dawe |
Thrillerbarc | Igntul | 09.12.20 | yes | MoM | 12102 | 27:55.10 | 17:27.16 | Hyllez |
The Graveyard | Stromek | 09.12.20 | yes | OW2 | 10394 | 18:35.30 | 11:08.42 | Mt17 |
AlienAttAk | White | 09.12.21 | no | Alien | 13389 | 20:09.63 | 12:36.90 | Steppke |
Outerspace... | Sk8now4life | 09.12.21 | no | Alien2 | 11826 | 30:45.91 | 24:27.69 | Sk8snow4life |
No_Bug_3 | Teamazur | 09.12.21 | no | N/A | 8648 | 14:49.38 | 04:48.77 | MopLys |
2castle | Tmslay | 09.12.21 | no | 2castle | 7082 | 12:31.98 | 08:44.49 | ToxygeneTerrapi |
GoldenEye | AtoM | 09.12.21 | yes | WD | 15485 | 20:24.69 | 13:17.08 | Realized2 |
We Be Pimpin | Kopstoot | 09.12.22 | no | MA | 11746 | 19:44.29 | 13:17.48 | Kilburn |
Drop Scrolls on.. | Fish | 09.12.22 | yes | GMU | 5897 | 07:44.41 | 05:30.59 | Realized2 |
Avoid Fail! | Syr_Skwirrel | 09.12.23 | no | FC | 7326 | 07:13.76 | 04:39.81 | Riishuu |
Impel Down | R00bot | 09.12.23 | yes | Anime | 7667 | 17:39.17 | 11:58.61 | Realized2 |
Zelda | Prog_Prophet | 09.12.24 | no | Tomb | 9186 | 10:47.05 | 09:23.37 | Starsky |
The Temple of... | Sk8snow4life | 09.12.28 | no | Egypt | 4969 | 09:09.48 | 64:19.94 | The Locust |
Water//Park! | Prog_Prophet | 09.12.29 | no | Rust | 12236 | 15:28.09 | 16:00.40 | GestaFam |
Mercato dell... | Ballermann | 09.12.29 | no | Forest | 13080 | 23:46.66 | 09:09.54 | Voctaa |
The Berlin Wall | Empy | 09.12.29 | no | Lava | 6348 | 06:44.33 | 04:59.49 | Realized2 |
Jungle Trip | LittleCici | 09.12.29 | no | WD | 7207 | 09:20.85 | 05:26.24 | JLous |
The Playground | Sk8snow4life | 09.12.30 | no | Garage | 8965 | 14:31.03 | 10:44.58 | Kiyo |
RPGmax18war | Racine | 10.01.01 | no | Army | 1562 | 13:51.87 | 08:08.24 | Toto |
T(ea)m Fortress | NitroGuY | 10.01.02 | yes | FC | 8049 | 13:21.47 | 08:13.12 | Mt17 |
Brawn | Szyna100 | 10.01.03 | no | Drack | 5335 | 07:13.02 | 05:05.88 | DisGo |
Sunshine Island | Jurajojo | 10.01.10 | no | Asfalt | 6035 | 08:09.04 | 04:43.12 | Realized2 |
Persia | Katodik | 10.01.10 | yes | GMU | 15131 | 09:34.22 | 06:26.91 | Realized2 |
Ride in my park | Sk8snow4life | 10.01.12 | no | WD | 10489 | 07:48.16 | 06:39.85 | Steppke |
Phoenix | Sk8snow4life | 10.01.16 | yes | Stone | 10853 | 11:28.00 | 09:32.88 | Realized2 |
Good Night | Bigrobin | 10.01.18 | no | GMU | 8220 | 07:53.00 | 06:24.49 | Realized2 |
District9 | DisGo | 10.01.19 | yes | Garage | 14370 | 18:11.71 | 10:21.98 | TunniQ |
Amarna | Fish | 10.01.19 | yes | GMU | 7868 | 07:26.17 | 05:31.30 | Renato |
The Oomune... | O...rz | 10.01.24 | yes | Wanoko | 17833 | 09:44.36 | 09:00.90 | Tomatox |
Polaris Base | D@se 57 | 10.01.26 | no | Polaris | 7627 | 10:01.70 | 10:01.70 | Dose 57 |
CUBA | Sk8snow4life | 10.01.27 | yes | Epypt | 9494 | 07:37.06 | 05:59.57 | Realized2 |
Farwest | Sk8snow4life | 10.01.30 | yes | TGE2 | 4564 | 09:05.87 | 06:31.28 | Clem |
TWO-the vorte | Seismic | 10.01.30 | yes | N/A | 8340 | 07:56.56 | 05:36.50 | Cyklista |
Syrs | Igntul | 10.02.01 | yes | GMU | 11300 | 13:30.54 | 09:38.08 | Onicole |
TWO - V2 | Seismic | 10.02.02 | no | Stone | 8766 | 07:16.16 | 05:39.20 | Tortugo |
Temple of Hath | DisGo | 10.02.06 | yes | Egypt | 17266 | 18:27.99 | 13:17.91 | Onicole |
Krypton | GSNPaul | 10.02.07 | yes | GM | 13654 | 18:39.41 | 13:24.10 | Realized2 |
Krypton light | GSNPaul | 10.02.08 | no | GM | 13656 | 15:15.53 | 12:51.77 | DeathCookies |
Castle Tedd | Teddyyy | 10.02.09 | no | MA | 8177 | 14:55.60 | 15:04.83 | R00bot |
XdaC's Tree... | XdaC | 10.02.08 | no | WD | 9864 | 12:18.78 | 07:17.60 | Starsky |
The SKY Has... | Bikerbruun | 10.02.10 | no | Drack | 5000 | 10:07.05 | 07:10.14 | MarnickV |
Lights | vyQ | 10.02.11 | no | 2048 | 20696 | 10:27.34 | 06:18.46 | Voctaa |
Citus Sihirli | Hardarm | 10.02.13 | no | Trash | 860 | 63:41.85 | 14:06.14 | Realized2 |
Apocalyptic... | Sol666 | 10.02.14 | yes | GMU | 4904 | 06:45.30 | 04:00.65 | Razor |
Blue Moon | Mixalis | 10.02.17 | no | N/A | 7228 | 13:14.86 | 08:59.46 | Tortugo |
Sector A | Scorpion | 10.02.16 | no | Omaha | 10641 | 26:37.26 | 14:10.92 | Realized2 |
T_robots | Fish | 10.02.16 | yes | Robot | 3688 | 04:14.53 | 03:22.93 | Mt17 |
Temple of Ha. II | DisGo | 10.02.20 | no | Egypt | 10853 | 08:00.93 | 06:26.75 | TunniQ |
Orion Invasion | Sol666 | 10.02.21 | no | Eert75 | 5924 | 07:25.04 | 05:44.60 | Mt17 |
Gerudo Valley | VyQ | 10.02.21 | no | Ruins | 15262 | 11:46.66 | 06:33.02 | Realized2 |
The Buried Tem | DasEimer | 10.02.26 | no | N/A | 9864 | 27:40.55 | 27:40.55 | DasEimer |
Skillz | D@se 57 | 10.02.27 | no | GMU | 4115 | 08:47.07 | 04:12.23 | B1ts |
Forest Tedd | Teddyyy | 10.03.01 | no | WD | 23684 | 08:35.21 | 06:15.23 | Hyllez |
GaideN | Szyna100 | 10.03.02 | no | Stone | 4698 | 06:51.63 | 06:01.22 | Ondra |
Roma | Bikerbruun | 10.03.01 | no | Venice | 5816 | 12:31.57 | 10:10.31 | Insensus |
Land of the... | Crash dnb | 10.03.01 | no | GM | 6403 | 06:52.22 | 04:47.78 | Hyllez |
MarihuanaVille 2 | Kopstoot | 10.03.02 | no | MT | 14054 | 13:15.75 | 08:44.89 | Realized2 |
Ghouls! | Sol666 | 10.03.02 | no | GMU | 6024 | 06:14.90 | 04:38.48 | Onicole |
Beep's cake | Beep | 10.03.03 | no | Kitchen | 10570 | 17:43.02 | 10:12.94 | Realized2 |
Louxor | The_oh_gaver | 10.03.04 | no | GMU | 6799 | 10:22.42 | 06:57.76 | Starsky |
Al-Zahrain | Stromek | 10.03.07 | no | GM | 11023 | 14:36.28 | 08:53.91 | Dawe |
Cassis | Bigrobin | 10.03.06 | no | Stone | 6924 | 09:14.95 | 07:11.63 | Kilburn |
Poseidon Wrath 2 | Promaxer | 10.03.06 | no | Sea | 5771 | 10:46.77 | 04:55.28 | Realized2 |
Skarbiec Imper... | Jurek | 10.03.06 | no | GMU | 9810 | 16:01.15 | 08:40.61 | Realized2 |
Mothership | Foxi | 10.03.09 | no | AS | 10386 | 27:00.18 | 10:33.48 | Moritz |
Dendera | DisGo | 10.03.10 | no | Venice | 14370 | 18:11.71 | 07:38.76 | Dawe |
Miner Tedd | Teddyyyyy | 10.03.13 | yes | Miner | 10409 | 08:29.86 | 07:15.46 | ALF! |
Wooden chall... | Monarchen | 10.03.15 | no | WD | 26462 | 31:11.51 | 20:55.56 | Razor |
Factory Catac... | Katodik | 10.03.17 | no | RF | 10892 | 13:57.78 | 08:43.86 | Kilburn |
The Cydonia I... | Sol666 | 10.03.17 | no | Cydonia | 11564 | 11:04.14 | 08:28.38 | Dawe |
Back to the f... | AtoM | 10.03.18 | no | Miner | 31318 | 28:21.38 | 24:18.53 | Realized2 |
The dawn of hu... | Sk8snow4life | 10.03.18 | no | GMU | 8672 | 09:06.53 | 07:02.03 | Mt17 |
Basilisk | Enai Siaion | 10.03.19 | no | Tomb | 12918 | 09:51.76 | 05:42.77 | Xaeron |
Ultitex | DisGo | 10.03.21 | no | Eert75 | 12047 | 09:50.92 | 06:04.53 | Realized2 |
Detroit | Igntul | 10.03.22 | no | 2084 | 16765 | 65:31.73 | 34:12.34 | HylleZ |
Intronaut | Tecfan | 10.03.29 | no | Eert75 | 16771 | 15:42.59 | 11:16.90 | NomNom |
The Abysm | Chrissi04 | 10.03.30 | no | Inca | 3393 | 09:42.53 | 03:59.82 | Realized2 |
Seychely | Kouba | 10.03.30 | no | WD | 4224 | 10:27.57 | 10:56.24 | Dexter |
The Two Towers | Faxter | 10.03.30 | no | FC | 6000 | 11:47.19 | 07:04.13 | Kilburn |
Jericho | DisGo | 10.03.30 | no | GMU | 14668 | 17:50.34 | 14:10.94 | Realized2 |
Wooden speed | Sk8snow4life | 10.03.30 | no | Wood | 14891 | 09:08.87 | 06:07.43 | Voyager006 |
Titanik | Igntul | 10.04.01 | no | Titanik | 5976 | 04:53.64 | 03:58.73 | Realized2 |
The magic book | D@se 57 | 10.04.01 | no | Kitchen | 9594 | 08:05.19 | 05:17.89 | Sir-anthony |
Lost prisoner | Arriopolis | 10.04.02 | no | 2084 | 9795 | 26:14.36 | 09:55.05 | Dawe |
Graffiti race | Rtv_televizeja | 10.04.03 | no | Graff | 3365 | 10:18.22 | 05:51.13 | Anubis |
Baobab | Fish | 10.04.06 | no | Worms | 4779 | 08:01.07 | 04:34.59 | Realized2 |
Fangorn | Faxter | 10.04.07 | no | WD | 5559 | 09:05.84 | 05:16.29 | Realized2 |
Carnac | Promax | 10.04.10 | no | GMU | 5822 | 16:45.79 | 08:10.56 | Realized2 |
Amon | Jimlefou | 10.04.13 | no | GM | 12884 | 33:32.24 | 10:28.04 | Realized2 |
Factor-y | Hannes97 | 10.04.14 | no | RF | 11377 | 14:18.57 | 07:20.22 | Iceman |
Matrix Mach... | Airon | 10.04.17 | no | Matrix | 7780 | 07:28.36 | 05:06.57 | Einai |
Piranesi's Carc... | DisGo | 10.04.20 | no | Ruins | 9222 | 10:55.36 | 22:40.36 | I§ng |
Oily BarRel | ShortzZ | 10.04.20 | no | FC | 3191 | 03:48.04 | 03:06.49 | Mt17 |
Karnak | NitroGuY | 10.04.24 | yes | GMU | 11832 | 05:59.59 | 05:05.95 | MopLys |
Hunter Tedd | Teddyyyyy | 10.04.24 | no | 2084 | 9761 | 20:31.71 | 14:47.32 | Realized2 |
AngkorWat* | j-er0"dule | 10.04.25 | no | Tomb | 19191 | 13:55.64 | 10:48.07 | Xantia |
Bella | Hogleg | 10.04.29 | no | Portal | 10981 | 20:52.33 | 13:27.78 | The Banker |
Mystery | Sk8snow4life | 10.05.01 | no | RF | 17409 | 36:48.65 | 18:44.33 | DrM |
The Tomb | Icarus | 10.05.02 | no | Tomb | 7768 | 13:09.77 | 07:04.39 | Realized2 |
Kung fu Sha... | D@se 57 | 10.05.03 | no | Wanoko | 10929 | 14:40.05 | 11:25.90 | AtoM |
Back to the fut... | AtoM | 10.05.03 | no | GMU | 16173 | 15:07.33 | 09:59.12 | Onicole |
Infinity | Airon | 10.05.03 | no | GM | 7796 | 09:02.10 | 05:31.69 | Realized2 |
Las Vegas | Moi57 | 10.05.05 | no | FC | 9680 | 17:15.02 | 15:15.04 | Hokiebird |
The great Rescue | Elro | 10.05.07 | no | Portal | 8529 | 12:48.02 | 10:55.91 | Elro |
MarihuanaVille 3 | Kopstoot | 10.05.07 | no | Trash | 8945 | 06:01.22 | 03:32.26 | Realized2 |
Ready to Fall | DisGo | 10.05.08 | no | 2084 | 5843 | 05:24.32 | 04:03.32 | Onicole |
Nostalgic Sad... | Nunquam | 10.05.08 | no | MT | 10897 | 07:25.61 | 06:02.77 | Realized2 |
TreerT | Jurajojo | 10.05.08 | no | Eert75 | 6111 | 06:21.13 | 05:36.87 | Dawe |
Track Raider | OOVansOo | 10.05.09 | no | MT | 10210 | 10:34.41 | 07:43.79 | Santacruz |
Agency bio-lab | Crash dnb | 10.05.10 | no | Portal | 13875 | 21:14.95 | 10:26.56 | Onicole |
Helliopoli | Stromek | 10.05.12 | no | Ra | 12131 | 30:00.55 | 12:59.29 | Mt17 |
Circuit Tutanc... | Heinun1000 | 10.05.13 | no | Tomb | 11331 | 06:25.65 | 04:04.33 | Realized2 |
Gethsemane | DisGo | 10.05.13 | no | GMU | 6242 | 09:47.86 | 06:26.52 | DeathCookies |
ElectrO.shock | DisGo | 10.05.13 | no | Alien2 | 9222 | 08:15.07 | 06:03.13 | Blu3skY |
Temple | Benjiz | 10.04.15 | no | GMU | 6885 | 12:13.16 | 07:18.91 | Max |
Heliopolis | Dope! | 10.05.15 | no | Egypt | 9563 | 07:31.71 | 05:44.29 | Realized2 |
O' clock | Igntul | 10.05.16 | no | Robot | 7449 | 37:20.68 | 11:32.14 | Onicole |
Springfield1 | Moi57 | 10.05.17 | no | 2084 | 10912 | 17:07.63 | 11:07.60 | Realized2 |
The Slammin S... | HouseKeepR | 10.05.17 | no | N/A | 4266 | 04:37.57 | 03:39.22 | B1ts |
Time Escape | Mr Chili | 10.05.18 | no | - | 6783 | 20:45.09 | 11:10.77 | JLous |
Temple of Trials | Riishuu | 10.05.19 | no | Egypt | 8641 | 07:39.68 | 07:48.59 | Voctaa |
I. Joe | Zulu13 | 10.05.20 | no | FC | 11757 | 17:08.24 | 11:30.86 | HylleZ |
The "Muzical"... | 1st_VIP | 10.05.20 | no | Rust | 2529 | 14:44.96 | 06:51.91 | Poma |
Racer | Memphiz | 10.05.21 | no | Miner | 4164 | 07:24.10 | 03:44.04 | Insensus |
Ruins | Riishuu | 10.05.21 | no | Ruins | 9843 | 07:33.84 | 06:22.98 | JLous |
Universal Jail | SuperStar* | 10.05.26 | no | GMU | 9272 | 12:21.80 | 08:19.93 | Logan |
TOP SECRET | D@se 57 | 10.05.26 | no | Alien | 7881 | 09:38.46 | 03:34.70 | Akiro |
Lego for Dummies | OOVansOo | 10.05.31 | no | Lego | 7739 | 11:56.84 | 09:08.81 | JLous |
Nine Miles | Moi57 | 10.06.01 | no | Rust | 14273 | 18:28.08 | 15:08.57 | Realized2 |
Abydòs | Brutal | 10.06.02 | no | GMU | 7207 | 07:25.97 | 05:02.97 | Mt17 |
Rat Race | D@se 57 | 10.06.06 | no | Candy | 8004 | 11:13.00 | 06:13.13 | Onicole |
N0obishnesS | Peteypablo7 | 10.06.06 | no | GMU | 6837 | 07:12.11 | 05:36.46 | Realized2 |
This is my House | HouseKeepR | 10.06.06 | no | Portal | 5333 | 05:45.91 | 04:03.63 | B1ts |
The Galleon | Stromek | 10.06.08 | no | Planks2 | 8508 | 10:31.42 | 05:51.15 | Kilburn |
Adventure Sinks | Tintin | 10.06.10 | no | Tomb | 8367 | 12:35.51 | 07:06.98 | Realized2 |
Street Life! | Airon | 10.06.10 | no | DarkArt | 6501 | 09:28.59 | 06:09.15 | Kiyo |
Psy-City | PsyCaDi | 10.06.11 | no | 2084 | 7175 | 14:21.31 | 18:38.24 | BAm La |
RPGStadium | Monstha | 10.06.13 | no | Eert75 | 10941 | 27:35.16 | 13:51.85 | Realized2 |
Easy RPG ! | Atarat | 10.06.15 | no | - | 8953 | 10:40.13 | 07:47.63 | Funnybear |
Mystery_Land | OOVansOo | 10.06.17 | no | TPB | 7278 | 22:15.35 | 17:05.88 | Sk8snow4life |
Trackvania | Vklf | 10.06.17 | no | Stone | 13389 | 15:01.78 | 13:17.64 | Le Hamster |
Dragonball Z... | Trunks_11 | 10.06.19 | no | Dragon | 15523 | 10:30.71 | 12:10.56 | Kilburn |
Satori | Katodik | 10.06.19 | no | Palace | 13885 | 06:22.58 | 05:28.07 | Realized2 |
Pamela | SuperStar* | 10.06.22 | no | Ra | 8708 | 13:10.34 | 09:25.37 | DeathCookies |
Hatshepsut te... | Crash°dnb | 10.06.22 | no | Kheops | 11186 | 06:29.50 | 04:51.85 | Onicole |
Bursztynowe oko | Jurek | 10.06.26 | no | Roman | 5341 | 15:36.39 | 09:35.85 | NomNom |
Moritanya | Promaxer | 10.06.27 | no | Roman | 3199 | 08:01.24 | 04:37.28 | Nothing |
Kokyo | OOVansOo | 10.06.29 | no | Palace | 9945 | 19:10.86 | 22:50.60 | MIsTErT |
Abou Simbel² | Boubisis | 10.06.29 | no | GM2 | 14824 | 77:30.75 | 25:19.29 | Mt17 |
Mahâdevî's Gar... | Nunquam | 10.06.30 | no | India | 10773 | 15:29.59 | 12:36.51 | Realized2 |
Jamaica Island | Moi57 | 10.07.01 | no | Maya | 14230 | 15:03.15 | 12:27.69 | Realized2 |
Mayan Temple | Promaxer | 10.07.02 | no | Maya | 9402 | 09:19.86 | 06:06.22 | Moonweed |
RescueRPG | Stormwizard | 10.07.03 | no | GMU | 5741 | 15:04.21 | 06:05.68 | Rasta |
300 | Zulu13 | 10.07.04 | no | Roman | 20969 | 13:47.67 | 11:10.97 | Dawe |
Indian Holiday! | Unclefunkel1 | 10.07.08 | no | Palace | 4818 | 12:25.57 | 08:35.92 | Mixalis |
Medusa | Vklf | 10.07.08 | no | Ra | 12255 | 08:19.20 | 06:43.94 | Realized2 |
Spirit Tree | Promaxer | 10.07.09 | no | WD | 7633 | 09:03.28 | 05:17.51 | Drunk Racer |
Mysterious Box | Brainmaster | 10.07.09 | no | Hull | 5867 | 18:45.72 | 17:40.84 | Realized2 |
BUILDING A... | Rtv_televizija | 10.07.13 | no | Constr | 8121 | 50:20.44 | 17:52.01 | R00bot |
Iced | Svbg869 | 10.07.13 | no | Arctic | 7660 | 33:22.89 | 13:46.40 | TunniQ |
TmCry II Restri... | Fish | 10.07.13 | no | Nature | 5569 | 11:52.04 | 09:02.30 | Guybrush |
BleakHouse | Popgun | 10.07.14 | no | Palace | 16010 | 18:33.41 | 11:08.78 | Realized2 |
TheLastNostromo | Popgun | 10.07.14 | no | Hull | 14117 | 14:30.37 | 10:21.69 | Realized2 |
Lost In Trouble ! | Zippin | 10.07.14 | no | Palace | 5768 | 06:49.24 | 04:46.07 | Realized2 |
Spell my name | Stromek | 10.07.14 | no | Hullv1 | 6066 | 23:00.22 | 13:18.32 | Dawe |
Kvwoos | Igntul | 10.07.15 | no | Roman | 13079 | 91:56.86 | 20:46.88 | Realized2 |
The Dragon Tal... | Trunks_11 | 10.07.15 | no | Palace | 12448 | 06:19.39 | 06:04.25 | Realized2 |
Space invaders | Fish | 10.07.15 | no | Hull | 10292 | 11:50.98 | 07:20.95 | Realized2 |
Ming´s Biosphere | Golo | 10.07.15 | no | Hull | 17741 | 22:13.11 | 10:45.71 | Mt17 |
F.B.I. Dossier... | HouseKeepR | 10.07.15 | no | Arctic | 6043 | 12:32.20 | 06:53.63 | Tandur |
Respect | Airon | 10.07.16 | no | N/A | 4054 | 10:37.58 | 03:53.22 | MarnickV |
TTR. | Giorgos ttr | 10.07.17 | no | N/A | 3442 | 09:33.49 | 06:44.73 | JLous |
9 lives | Mits_g13 | 10.07.17 | no | N/A | 2783 | 46:09.60 | 24:51.72 | Mixalis |
Lutenx | Igntul | 10.07.18 | no | BH | 6790 | 10:17.99 | 05:34.60 | Tortugo |
Claustrophobia | Zulu | 10.07.18 | no | RF | 13680 | 14:10.15 | 08:23.32 | Realized2 |
KoStar | Sup_grizz | 10.07.22 | no | N/A | 7991 | 14:18.22 | 09:14.88 | Onicole |
Portal Part 1 | WINNERSPIROS | 10.07.22 | no | N/A | 8426 | 25:50.72 | 12:11.01 | Onicole |
Hyperion | DisGo | 10.07.23 | no | NP | 7421 | 10:22.04 | 07:38.32 | Voyager006 |
TTR # 1 | Giorgos ttr | 10.07.24 | no | JP | 7934 | 19:23.90 | 12:04.77 | Sh0rtz |
Asiatrip. | Henk&Cox | 10.07.28 | no | IP | 6828 | 14:18.61 | 07:32.10 | Audi Man |
Karishia II | Promaxer | 10.07.28 | no | Kheops | 18148 | 30:43.84 | 16:38.31 | Realized2 |
The 4 Halls of B... | Hannes97 | 10.08.01 | no | N/A | 9662 | 30:07.42 | 08:30.42 | Onicole |
Old Factory | Invencible | 10.08.02 | no | N/A | 5297 | 07:31.33 | 03:40.82 | ALF! |
Parkour | Zulu | 10.08.03 | no | Planks2 | 15611 | 21:08.84 | 14:23.99 | Realized2 |
Sprayer's Town! | Hannes97 | 10.08.10 | no | DA | 6289 | 18:09.11 | 06:22.85 | Moritz |
K | Onicole | 10.08.11 | no | N/A | 10691 | 12:28.89 | 08:47.74 | Firebiker |
Cube Cube | Chrinistar | 10.08.12 | no | N/A | 6744 | 61:09.55 | 17:08.65 | Onicole |
SHAOLIN MO... | D@se 57 | 10.08.12 | no | N/A | 5881 | 09:26.40 | 04:01.10 | Kilburn |
Psychiatric ho... | Fish | 10.08.19 | no | BH-H | 19112 | 26:21.53 | 20:05.77 | Futo |
Follow the light | Exterra | 10.08.20 | no | Eert75 | 8262 | 08:15.95 | 05:54.33 | Onicole |
Mystery Island | Vanguard | 10.08.20 | no | MT | 7284 | 06:39.12 | 04:17.45 | Insensus |
Construction Site | Henk | 10.08.22 | no | Constr | 6378 | 07:27.93 | 05:17.28 | Starsky |
F.B.I. Dossier... | HouseKeepR | 10.08.22 | no | DA | 10017 | 16:23.64 | 07:37.33 | DeathCookies |
Cpart Lansile | ARC Comp. | 10.08.26 | no | N/A | 7419 | 06:29.17 | 03:28.05 | Realized2 |
Chaos Theory | Zulu | 10.08.26 | no | MB | 19144 | 26:32.34 | 17:08.93 | Sweet |
Rituals | Crash dnb | 10.08.28 | no | AT | 7880 | 05:20.76 | 04:49.45 | B1ts |
Back to India | Promaxer | 10.08.31 | no | TI | 8188 | 12:57.49 | 08:48.02 | Robot |
Eerie Village | Dope! | 10.09.02 | no | 2084 | 6712 | 06:15.22 | 05:11.87 | B1ts |
Hellsing | Logan | 10.09.03 | no | AM | 16719 | 11:27.53 | 09:59.66 | Realized2 |
The Labyrinth III | Eie | 10.09.03 | no | GM3 | 14527 | 14:14.18 | 12:12.76 | Realized2 |
Connector | Sebik1992 | 10.09.03 | no | Portal | 11308 | 21:00.00 | 16:08.29 | SaoPaulo |
The Art of Re... | Henny | 10.09.05 | no | Kheops | 1597 | 05:13.03 | 03:18.89 | Kilburn |
Mysterious Wat... | Zippin | 10.09.05 | no | BH | 5918 | 07:50.29 | 06:02.98 | Hyllez |
PilgrimsPassage | Popgun | 10.09.08 | no | Pilgrim | 16282 | 29:22.71 | 20:59.17 | Woezi |
Night of magic 4 | Onicole | 10.09.09 | no | N/A | 9836 | 05:42.47 | 04:52.20 | Onicole |
Netherworld | Igntul | 10.09.15 | no | DS | 13075 | 07:08.46 | 05:16.69 | Realized2 |
The Springfield... | Pedan1111 | 10.09.16 | no | N/A | 7672 | 26:41.62 | 16:40.36 | Racer |
Mission Submar... | Dope! | 10.09.17 | no | N/A | 8014 | 08:35.08 | 06:20.77 | DisGo |
My future | Onicole | 10.09.19 | no | 2084 | 5700 | 07:57.29 | 06:25.56 | DeathCookies |
Happy Christmas | Onicole | 10.09.25 | no | N/A | 4204 | 05:07.83 | 04:21.11 | Onicole |
Zijincheng | Starclassic | 10.09.25 | no | Wanoko | 9100 | 07:54.48 | 06:38.02 | Onicole |
Temple of Water! | Hannes97 | 10.09.26 | no | N/A | 5037 | 17:10.16 | 07:39.71 | HoffernJR |
Calexico | Katodik | 10.09.26 | no | VW | 13024 | 09:01.45 | 07:26.08 | Tortugo |
Dr. Oiram | Oiram456 | 10.09.27 | no | GM4 | 7400 | 06:37.19 | 06:08.82 | Realized2 |
Happy Christm... | Onicole | 10.09.29 | no | Xmas | 10282 | 08:28.43 | 07:46.09 | Starsky |
Crazy Temple. | Tintin | 10.10.07 | no | N/A | 10044 | 22:52.27 | 14:14.90 | Realized2 |
THE OMEN | Giorgos ttr | 10.10.07 | no | AM | 10173 | 13:18.63 | 10:58.52 | Kilburn |
Palenque | Crash dnb | 10.10.08 | no | AM | 15880 | 30:48.37 | 18:57.09 | Realized2 |
Medna | Exterra | 10.10.09 | no | RS | 5933 | 17:30.29 | 09:10.52 | Dawe |
Infectious Groove | Moi57 | 10.10.11 | no | MM | 19752 | 47:18.11 | 38:49.03 | Kilburn |
Piramida | Jurek | 10.10.13 | no | N/A | 6016 | 20:16.63 | 09:43.21 | Onicole |
SkynerLab | Stromek | 10.10.15 | no | Portal | 17396 | 90:00.34 | 35:46.23 | Mt17 |
Classical | Nunquam | 10.10.19 | no | RS | 10830 | 15:56.23 | 12:51.14 | Igntul |
GoingPostal | Popgun | 10.10.21 | no | CardBoard | 16768 | 35:45.27 | 23:40.78 | Realized2 |
F.B.I. Dossier... | HouseKeepR | 10.10.26 | no | BH | 13532 | 21:28.76 | 14:01.22 | B1ts |
Pregnant with... | Tecfan | 10.10.31 | no | 2084 | 33587 | 63:18.14 | 48:31.14 | HoffernJr |
Apocalypse | Igntul | 10.11.15 | no | Sunn | 12121 | 26:19.43 | 17:33.44 | Realized2 |
Aztec | NomNom | 10.11.15 | no | RS | 13824 | 29:23.41 | 19:17.53 | Realized2 |
Triade's Honor | Moi57 | 10.11.15 | no | IP | 11568 | 17:03.06 | 15:36.88 | Robot |
Blackbeards T... | Dope! | 10.11.17 | no | N/A | 10000 | 07:38.22 | 06:29.86 | Mt17 |
Tron | Igntul | 10.11.18 | no | Tron | 12345 | 08:02.22 | 05:58.97 | Mt17 |
Lo.0ny TuneS | DisGo | 10.11.19 | no | N/A | 13760 | 08:26.79 | 06:32.28 | DisGo |
Temple of Kais... | Peteypablo7 | 10.11.19 | no | BH | 7857 | 06:08.35 | 03:59.18 | Realized2 |
Adventures of... | Popgun | 10.11.19 | no | TinTin | 11141 | 14:25.85 | 09:20.40 | Dawe |
OLDSCHOOL | x-ROC NORAB | 10.11.21 | no | N/A | 12829 | 11:49.38 | 09:32.81 | Realized2 |
Welcome to Vie... | Enai Siaion | 10.11.23 | no | N/A | 9622 | 06:23.33 | 04:32.31 | Kilburn |
Yònagun | Igntul | 10.11.25 | no | GMS | 12818 | 12:05.65 | 11:16.18 | Realized2 |
Hellsing Ultimate | Logan | 10.11.26 | no | AM | 12243 | 10:42.59 | 10:10.82 | Realized2 |
Moai Island | Stromek | 10.11.26 | no | BBT | 6031 | 15:32.16 | 06:55.14 | Mt17 |
Building inspec... | Tossha | 10.11.27 | no | Constr | 20000 | 83:57.03 | 49:16.54 | NomNom |
RoDEo | PLexT | 10.12.02 | no | N/A | 11645 | 12:22.43 | 07:42.99 | Realized2 |
Bloody Diamonds | Stromek | 10.12.07 | no | N/A | 8000 | 08:00.11 | 05:18.62 | Mt17 |
F.B.I. Dossier... | HouseKeepR | 10.12.08 | no | Halloween | 8840 | 10:45.22 | 06:26.87 | Sh0rtz |
Melancholy | Golo | 10.12.10 | no | Tron | 16058 | 14:39.89 | 09:20.93 | Kilburn |
Archeox | Jurek | 10.12.11 | no | 10911 | 18:14.53 | 13:23.34 | Dawe | |
Fall Guy | Big Al | 10.12.13 | no | Metropolis | 21464 | 15:03.58 | 12:19.81 | Realized2 |
Galactic | Moi57 | 10.12.14 | no | Galaxsea | 25416 | 25:54.04 | 30:00.59 | Moi57 |
LEFT 4 DEAD | Logan | 10.12.17 | no | PM | 12545 | 11:21.28 | 10:55.01 | Drunk |
Baphomets Fluch | Oiram456 | 10.12.18 | no | Metropolis | 10221 | 08:47.79 | 06:33.44 | DisGo |
Popgun | 10.12.25 | no | FS | 16400 | 21:04.51 | 13:03.09 | Dawe | |
Tomb of Ra | Bubble' | 10.12.27 | no | Ra | 3600 | 06:16.46 | 04:06.67 | Realized2 |
Deep Mix | Playboytoto | 10.12.30 | no | N/A | 4604 | 09:32.16 | 07:47.04 | Steppke |
K 3 | Onicole | 10.12.31 | no | N/A | 11634 | 10:22.00 | 08:23.64 | Realized2 |
Cubesys | Stromek | 11.01.06 | no | N/A | 10500 | 27:10.83 | 10:29.20 | Realized2 |
The LegendOfD... | Tintin | 11.01.09 | no | N/A | 10945 | 21:02.38 | 12:54.63 | Mt17 |
Far west adv... | Dedmick69 | 11.01.12 | no | N/A | 8307 | 13:26.06 | 09:47.78 | Drunk Racer |
Sahara Advent... | Cocrex | 11.01.13 | no | N/A | 9168 | 11:50.62 | 07:00.11 | B1ts |
Secret Defense | Benjiz | 11.01.15 | no | MM | 7739 | 09:00.85 | 05:21.03 | B1ts |
Yous-able | MisterT | 11.01.16 | no | N/A | 8535 | 06:50.12 | 06:23.30 | Sephiroth |
Instinct | Santacruz | 11.01.17 | no | N/A | 7287 | 19:18.05 | 11:59.76 | Realized2 |
Castle of Cha... | Regal | 11.01.21 | no | IP | 18360 | 19:48.38 | 11:45.78 | Dawe |
Khamsin | Logan | 11.01.22 | no | GMU | 12080 | 12:17.97 | 10:11.30 | Realized2 |
Dzibilchaltun | Peteypablo7 | 11.01.29 | no | AM | 14988 | 13:13.43 | 09:17.88 | Realized2 |
Old Wooden Tu... | Kouba | 11.02.02 | no | OldWood | 21000 | 16:53.03 | 09:59.10 | Onicole |
Power Plant | Tyroc | 11.02.07 | no | N/A | 8065 | 13:55.87 | 09:31.54 | Kilburn |
TheLabarum | Popgun | 11.02.07 | no | ChiRho | 17138 | 38:44.58 | 21:24.99 | Xaeron |
Thoubal | Exterra | 11.02.12 | no | TI | 11468 | 16:00.78 | 11:34.84 | Mario |
Improve Your S... | Robot | 11.02.19 | no | N/A | 7881 | 08:35.16 | 08:04.60 | Robot |
LOVE IS | Onicole | 11.02.20 | no | LOVE IS | 13181 | 12:29.76 | 10:27.89 | Realized2 |
Uxmal | MisterT | 11.02.24 | no | AM | 10825 | 16:57.76 | 10:32.17 | Voyager006 |
Q _Quarry | Vklf | 11.02.24 | no | MM | 24792 | 15:00.11 | 13:48.02 | Robot |
OmeRa | Shortz | 11.02.25 | no | N/A | 10549 | 10:55.40 | 07:28.05 | Realized2 |
CRAZY DRIVER | Giorgos ttr | 11.02.25 | no | OldStone | 13041 | 09:43.33 | 08:35.13 | Giorgos |
Jurassic Park | Théo | 11.02.27 | no | JP | 13988 | 14:48.55 | 06:39.68 | Angelo |
Timbo (Nr. 3) | German761 | 11.02.28 | no | N/A | 7591 | 09:17.24 | 08:16.88 | Razor |
12 Ghosts | Moi57 | 11.03.04 | no | IP | 20017 | 15:39.23 | 14:26.75 | Realized2 |
K 4 | Onicole | 11.03.11 | no | N/A | 7050 | 04:57.85 | 04:29.42 | Meph |
Boat of Ghosts | Stromek | 11.03.12 | no | N/A | 10385 | 10:05.57 | 06:50.57 | Realized2 |
Brain Hitchers | D@se 57 | 11.03.13 | no | TronR | 7096 | 15:00.33 | 05:26.88 | NomNom |
Burning City | NomNom | 11.03.18 | no | 2084 | 12789 | 09:17.91 | 07:55.26 | Realized2 |
Aaru | MisterT | 11.03.22 | no | GMUv2 | 10578 | 14:00.31 | 09:14.11 | Logan |
RpGlabyrinth | Foxi | 11.03.23 | no | N/A | 17796 | 08:11.87 | 07:04.80 | Kilburn |
Parallel Universe | Igntul | 11.03.25 | no | Galaxseav2 | 17999 | 13:39.37 | 13:14.44 | Realized2 |
Ceridius | SuperStar* | 11.03.26 | no | Toon | 22297 | 17:55.13 | 10:18.75 | Kilburn |
Hunt that Miner... | Dope! | 11.03.28 | no | N/A | 8700 | 08:22.60 | 08:01.19 | MarnickV |
Dracula's Castle | Brainmaster | 11.04.02 | no | GMU | 17097 | 12:14.47 | 08:24.65 | DeathCookies |
Cempoalatl | Nunquam | 11.04.08 | no | Ra | 11221 | 15:27.35 | 11:53.51 | Lolka |
The Rise | -Powerman- | 11.04.09 | no | MM | 23000 | 10:48.45 | 05:04.51 | Realized2 |
Nightmare | XKhor | 11.04.12 | no | DarkArt | 13742 | 15:10.68 | 10:19.90 | Bacardi |
The Eiffel Tower | N00BYZOR | 11.04.21 | no | N/A | 11238 | 41:48.06 | 32:33.52 | IchfLiege |
DownTown | Onicole | 11.04.25 | no | Metropolis | 15310 | 10:57.87 | 10:57.87 | Onicole |
Clos Vougeot | Beep | 11.04.27 | no | N/A | 12567 | 08:37.84 | 07:00.24 | Kilburn |
Clos Vougeot v2 | Beep | 11.04.27 | no | N/A | 12342 | 08:53.94 | 07:32.18 | Mario |
Torture | Simon | 11.04.28 | no | N/A | 22222 | 137:29.09 | 123:10.52 | Flaix |
DieSeL | HouseKeepR | 11.04.28 | no | Denim | 10077 | 14:17.13 | 09:18.22 | Kilburn |
NASA training c... | Nunquam | 11.04.29 | no | Moonbase | 13556 | 09:59.72 | 08:46.05 | Kilburn |
Jungle Days | Popgun | 11.04.30 | no | Skins | 13546 | 10:17.55 | 05:56.97 | Robot |
Zaraki | Logan | 11.04.30 | no | IP | 14689 | 11:45.42 | 10:21.39 | Kilburn |
Savana | Igntul | 11.05.01 | no | Savana | 11980 | 07:18.82 | 06:29.03 | Xaeron |
Alien Trash | XKhor | 11.05.03 | no | N/A | 3806 | 06:19.40 | 04:21.79 | Audi man |
NegativeSpace | PLexT | 11.05.07 | no | IZ | 14000 | 11:14.99 | 09:00.25 | Mt17 |
K 5 | Onicole | 11.05.18 | no | N/A | 11111 | 15:01.13 | 13:21.87 | Iceman |
Assassination | MisterT | 11.05.22 | no | N/A | 10650 | 11:59.29 | 09:37.70 | Logan |
Fairy forest | Golo | 11.05.23 | no | DNP | 20910 | 24:53.33 | 18:25.91 | DrM |
Adventures in... | 3D_Max | 11.05.27 | no | Kheops | 5670 | 23:28.53 | 08:55.17 | Flipper |
Africa | Logan | 11.06.03 | no | African | 12097 | 11:33.75 | 11:34.65 | Tecfan |
Loma Gorda | Flyps | 11.06.03 | no | N/A | 14000 | 08:16.86 | 08:28.63 | Skipper |
AllGodsWithin | Popgun | 11.06.04 | no | Granite | 15810 | 13:35.32 | 08:32.35 | Kilburn |
Kabal | Igntul | 11.06.10 | no | AMIgn | 13337 | 08:52.64 | 08:37.07 | Kilburn |
Xor | Mio57 | 11.06.13 | no | Ra | 24439 | 15:36.80 | 14:43.76 | EvO |
Mountain III | Eie | 11.06.18 | no | N/A | 19058 | 14:46.50 | 13:41.46 | Mt17 |
Mahâdevî's Gar... | Igntul_Nunquam | 11.06.19 | no | TI | 15624 | 15:46.63 | 13:57.42 | Mt17 |
EnigMatik | Fish | 11.06.20 | no | GMU | 18073 | 18:13.17 | 13:16.86 | Simon |
Collossus | Logan_Krotal | 11.06.25 | no | N/A | 12950 | 10:47.68 | 08:38.45 | Realized2 |
Temple of Hea... | Mastermind | 11.06.30 | no | RS | 12165 | 08:09.18 | 05:50.56 | Realized2 |
Tortuga | Igntul | 11.07.01 | no | IP | 6590 | 05:39.98 | 04:49.98 | Moonweed |
Fast and Furious | Moi57 | 11.07.05 | no | N/A | 16000 | 18:24.32 | 15:57.59 | Realized2 |
The Desert Dust | Papa_coin_coin | 11.07.07 | no | Tsar | 18084 | 17:41.52 | 10:06.91 | DeathCookies |
Lost Palace! | Psycho | 11.07.26 | no | NP | 7502 | 07:53.43 | 06:38.87 | DisGo |
Shronthek | DisGo | 11.07.29 | no | NP | 9933 | 07:37.19 | 07:36.07 | Bacardi |
2 Levels | Worms_Sao | 11.08.03 | no | RS | 14854 | 12:42.06 | 08:16.84 | Onicole |
Jumanji | Igntul | 11.08.16 | no | WoodenIgn | 21512 | 84:16.65 | 37:01.32 | Monsieur |
Orlok's Mansion | Katodik | 11.08.22 | no | HM | 16594 | 07:55.54 | 07:17.17 | Dawe |
Ruins of Zamii | Igntul | 11.08.25 | no | Ra | 12000 | 12:23.93 | 10:40.46 | Realized2 |
TmCry: Lost Soul | Simon | 11.08.25 | no | FarCry | 13421 | 08:54.17 | 07:58.16 | Realizd2 |
Arkantos | Trunks | 11.08.26 | no | GodWar | 23532 | 19:29.83 | 16:55.27 | Realized2 |
Deepwater H... | NomNom | 11.08.26 | no | FarCry_v2 | 9048 | 08:47.81 | 07:57.12 | Realized2 |
Alabasta | Logan | 11.08.26 | no | N/A | 13829 | 10:09.81 | 08:50.48 | Realized2 |
DRIV3R | Fish | 11.08.27 | no | N/A | 15051 | 28:36.75 | 12:20.72 | Mt17 |
Trip in Water | Papa_coin_coin | 11.09.07 | no | Futuristic | 10941 | 18:14.62 | 08:23.99 | Realized2 |
A New Hope | Realh | 11.09.09 | no | N/A | 14463 | 14:12.11 | 10:13.06 | Onicole |
K 6 | Onicole | 11.09.17 | no | Planks | 12794 | 07:32.32 | 07:04.95 | HylleZ |
Finish Now! | Worms | 11.10.11 | yes | IP | 7827 | 06:28.47 | 06:20.55 | B1ts |
Cookie's Castle | Worms | 11.10.12 | no | Templiers | 12653 | 14:09.87 | 09:29.92 | Xaeron |
Smoothy | Nitro | 11.10.17 | no | OldScraptYard | 9000 | 07:48.27 | 06:55.20 | Kilburn |
Date | Onicole | 11.10.23 | no | LOVE IS | 18827 | 08:39.54 | 08:03.15 | Shox |
Windsor Castle | Psycho | 11.11.11 | no | Pilgrim | 7502 | 07:53.43 | 06:19.65 | Dawe |
Beshuhr | Arrio_Niiel | 11.11.12 | no | DryDock | 8898 | 10:42.03 | 06:57.36 | Dawe |
Frozen Feelings | xKhor | 11.11.14 | no | N/A | 9889 | 14:20.32 | 06:47.68 | NomNom |
Mythal | Igntul | 11.11.17 | no | Pilgrim | 17999 | 13:11.27 | 12:19.17 | Dawe |
Iscaldo | Sh0rtz | 11.11.17 | no | N/A | 12520 | 07:27.81 | 07:09.84 | Mt17 |
IcePeakMountains | Trunks | 11.11.18 | no | ASB | 11111 | 11:11.29 | 09:15.50 | Kilburn |
Silentium | Nunquam | 11.11.19 | no | Stone | 9815 | 08:51.35 | 07:10.25 | Kilburn |
The Lagoon | Popgun | 11.11.20 | no | Aqua | 18511 | 12:26.55 | 08:36.63 | Mt17 |
Driving home... | Lasseee | 11.12.02 | no | N/A | 12135 | 09:36.29 | 06:11.13 | Onicole |
Lina | Giorgos | 11.12.13 | no | MM | 15394 | 11:44.76 | 11:31.11 | Razor |
The Creek | Papa_coin_coin | 11.12.21 | no | FC | 16496 | 07:43.68 | 05:58.78 | Kilburn |
Acropolis City | Dedmick | 11.12.22 | no | Egypt | 13789 | 15:11.05 | 09:17.86 | Kilburn |
Heavens Door | Kill.Evil | 11.12.23 | no | Portal | 28029 | 09:32.45 | 07:57.67 | Kilburn |
Grimbergen | Moi57 | 11.12.23 | no | N/A | 15589 | 12:42.21 | 09:13.67 | ALF! |
Corridors | Nunquam | 11.12.23 | no | Crusades | 15886 | 14:40.25 | 10:47.40 | Kilburn |
Sayil | Kryw | 11.12.23 | no | N/A | 11647 | 11:57.90 | 06:36.46 | Kiyo |
Western Fort | Reahx | 11.12.24 | no | WesternF. | 15758 | 10:23.47 | 09:52.35 | Kilburn |
D a r a h | Kryw | 11.12.24 | no | Darah | 9445 | 09:30.54 | 06:34.86 | Dawe |
A Land Without... | Mastermind | 11.12.24 | no | Hull | 16886 | 14:31.56 | 12:13.38 | DisGo |
Tales Of The... | Popgun | 11.12.25 | no | Timber | 20178 | 12:20.52 | 09:14.05 | Xaeron |
Underwater World | D@se57 | 11.12.26 | no | Aqua | 15078 | 12:00.00 | 06:06.65 | Firebiker |
Mystical Feelings | Oiram | 11.12.28 | no | 3024 | 12465 | 09:05.85 | 08:05.24 | Kilburn |
Hurricane: Inf... | Kryw | 12.01.02 | no | WipeOut | 26200 | 08:18.20 | 05:32.50 | DeathCookies |
LOVE IS 2 | Onicole | 12.01.21 | no | LOVE IS v2 | 23418 | 11:15.24 | 10:14.45 | Onicole |
Ancient Fortress | Nyco | 12.01.22 | no | Crusades | 14503 | 10:49.55 | 09:44.40 | Guybrush |
Riuns in the Wild | Nyco | 12.02.05 | no | IncaS. | 23897 | 13:39.54 | 13:24.47 | Nyco |
Green Belt Mov... | Onicole | 12.02.08 | no | Mountain | 14700 | 08:09.41 | 07:53.76 | Melody |
Dygonall Cave | Reahx | 12.02.11 | no | MM | 14795 | 10:09.81 | 07:02.94 | Onicole |
Wonders of the... | N00BYZOR | 12.02.13 | no | GM3 | 17503 | 27:13.77 | 24:36.17 | Adrijk |
TesaraTum | Sh0rtz | 12.02.17 | no | N/A | 13856 | 09:17.86 | 07:24.50 | Onicole |
Lost city of gold | Kill.Evil | 12.02.17 | no | Pilgrim | 16398 | 10:50.33 | 07:30.37 | Onicole |
The Glacial Age | Onicole | 12.02.25 | no | ArcticB. | 20932 | 08:55.71 | 08:45.33 | Igntul |
ARMACHAM | Roman_4r | 12.02.25 | no | Fear | 15544 | 08:56.94 | 07:01.91 | Onicole |
Detroit II | Igntul | 12.02.29 | no | 2084d2 | 28882 | 103:21.78 | 89:02.31 | Mario |
Sumaria | Popgun | 12.03.02 | no | PMetals | 17835 | 11:37.47 | 08:35.14 | Onicole |
HARD DAY | Giorgis | 12.03.03 | no | Pilgrim | 16994 | 10:21.18 | 08:47.44 | Onicole |
Sleepy Hollow | Plext | 12.03.09 | no | HauntedM. | 17375 | 08:44.07 | 07:32.46 | Mt17 |
Undiscovered P... | Kill.Evil | 12.03.09 | no | 2084 | 21163 | 24:59.94 | 22:52.34 | Nomnom |
Moonbase | Razor | 12.03.14 | no | Moonbase | 6855 | 11:30.61 | 08:56.40 | Kamikaze |
Gulag I-984 | Popgun | 12.03.15 | no | Grime | 17128 | 15:30.91 | 07:40.88 | Mt17 |
Endless | LaBomba | 12.03.17 | no | N/A | 10329 | 05:23.80 | 03:52.97 | Dawe |
Mastermind | ARC 2012 | 12.03.18 | no | RustyF. | 12306 | 07:17.86 | 05:07.47 | Onicole |
Carramba | Matheusz | 12.03.25 | no | Denim | 9217 | 09:01.04 | 09:08.83 | TAF>Ziza |
Redfox | Igntul | 12.03.26 | no | IndustrialZ | 10825 | 05:37.86 | 05:20.72 | DisGo |
Golen | DisGo | 12.03.29 | no | Metropolis | 6630 | 05:38.03 | 05:31.59 | Tortugo |
K 7 | Onicole | 12.04.01 | no | Planks | 13483 | 08:03.34 | 07:34.33 | Onicole |
Bretonia | Xaeron | 12.04.05 | no | FC | 22500 | 13:37.30 | 11:27.98 | Onicole |
Rubiks | Balthus | 12.04.07 | no | N/A | 12921 | 89:17.96 | 40:32.25 | Leopard |
Mac.Psycho | ARC 2012 | 12.04.08 | no | N/A | 5039 | 06:03.99 | 04:44.83 | Kilburn |
Sopa del Pollo | Worms686 | 12.04.13 | no | N/A | 10864 | 07:58.12 | 06:48.26 | DisGo |
Gigantic City | Trunks | 12.04.15 | no | Country | 6666 | 02:40.03 | 02:27.65 | DisGo |
Endless Night | Theo | 12.04.16 | no | N/A | 16472 | 15:34.65 | 06:17.22 | Maca |
Stay alive | 3D_Max | 12.04.29 | no | NP | 10351 | 38:07.05 | 21:17.92 | TAF>Ziza |
Gods Wrath | Adrijk | 12.04.29 | no | N/A | 11834 | 63:34.45 | 22:08.51 | TAF>Ziza |
Le dragon... | Schwep | 12.05.01 | no | N/A | 11393 | 08:40.40 | 05:22.75 | HylleZ |
Paititi | BullDozer | 11.05.04 | no | N/A | 15000 | 57:39.22 | 46:04.07 | Voctaa |
To see an aerial overview of most of the tracks listed above you can watch the following video:
Chart's data date: 29th May '12 (Created by maca013)

Chart's data date: 30th September '09

Wow such an effort! Really thankful, for making this and spending so much time on it (it looks like much work):O
Pal you are crazy :)
Great work!
I didn't do anything Kryw, Hawk did all :) so productive.. >.< ^^
good job hawkger !!
Yeah it was quite some work to collect and input all the data, I'm glad you appreciate it :)
And tec that isn't entirely correct least you made the code for the table...without which I couldn't even have started ;)
ohh,finally somebody make this track list..:))),Great work Hawkger ;) !
HawkGer You are crazy :!
nice work but...
my name is error1.3 ^^
hehe alright I'm gonna add the "1.3" ;) But the name has to stay in upper case, else, when sorting it would put you at first place, can't have that :D
great work for this database guys
with ppl like u make us loving more
and more the rpg side of the game
nice jobs here guys!!
am... I made a new track, maybe you can add it to list?
Tracktable has been updated ;) (1st November '09)
error I wrote you on tmx concerning your track...
Why mine track not posted? :(
Probably because it is practically impossible to find the way without watching a replay first
so If I get this right you update the list once a month, but how do someone know what track did you update. I have FP server and I would like to add tracks that have been made after november. You should add a border line or something from where on the tracks have been added, so ppl like me don't have to chack them all. ^^
Just a sugestion.
I would never use this table as a resource for adding new tracks. new tracks are found on TMX, not here.
you can just sort this table by release date btw.
we skipped the november update, that's why there are no tracks listed for november/december yet. When you open the page the tracks are already sorted by the tracks at the end are the newest ;)
I got a new WR on Among the ruins :)
uBp ShortzZ
Here aren´t some maps from Igntul...
Igntul said...
Hannes that table need an update, hawk can't update it to each map posted, he will update when he wants, with a lot of new data and maps together. ;)
My new RPG Map :
i got now 19 tracks ^^
huge collection of rpg track
'my best' (according to comments): (phoenix) (ride in my park) (old society;115dwl) (the playground) (sugarshack) (sky is the limit) (speed rpg v.2) (wrestling nation corporation)
Tracktable updated 17th January '10
Now including GPS Video links (under construction)...
Thanks for this list and the whole site! It's just awesome for RPG-lovers like me.
Great work !!!
// [PAJERO]Jonas
hey hawk super job. i want mission impossible2 i love it but i never finish it anyway nice work.succes!
HawkGer!!! some maps have password what i need to do to plaw they!?
you mean edit.
U have to go to 'Play Solo', then the lastin the page(dont remeber the name =P) go to 'Downloaded', then 'hawk_ger' and select the track and go to 'Play', Have Fun ;)
Want to post an RPG Track on there to get thoughts on it. how do i do that
Wow!! Great job!!
But... where´s my track?
You can find it at, then search for Lost Prisoner
Nice work here. Just needs an update of the WRs ;)
well done, but I think this should be updated :/ a lot of wr's improved and many new tracks still not posted here yet ;p
I'm sorry guys but the way it looks is that there won't be any further updates on this page (at least not from my part). If anyone is willing to gather all the new information though, give me a pm over at tmx. Only way I see this page being updated...
Thanks to B1ts and Nunquam we are now having a fresh bunch of data, yay! Thanks a lot you two :-)
No problem :P
Cookie isn't the recordholder on Enigmes anymore!
It's meeeeeeee :D
Hummer :D
Hi Tecfan is hawkger
Media tracker + Changing the map
i`ve made a rpg but it too great 4 tmx what i have to do
OMG wat sad traks. They have no directions so it is impossible for new drivers.
You need to place directions on tracks or you will have very small community I think.
are you kidding me? are you trolling? jesus.
My new rpg: [url][/url]
Mission Escape!
Why i cant download all maps once????!pls make a link...Thancks
Eh, you forgot to add: cookie castle by worms 686.
Where do I can upload a map?
On Paititi stand 11.05.04
But it's released on 12.05.04!
All tracks can be downloaded again in one zip:
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