This week, 7th December, Lucker and Big Al released their X-mas project "Hunting Santa Claus" on
TMX. Fitting to the season it´s a Christmas map. Imagine it is x-mas and Santa Claus is sharing out all the presents but he is about to forget you! Your only chance is hunting and catch him.
The map has a colorful
x-mas mod and is filled with many MT showing Santa Claus in his sledge, riding away. The auto-downloading soundtrack with many rocking x-mas songs is also recommended.
TMX ID: 2091860Difficulty: Intermediate
AT: 21:22:45
First-time length: 40-60 minutes
First we did an article about our own map. But we will soon start over reporting about other maps of the last days/weeks and upcoming maps also.
Very nice, looking forward to more from u2! :-)
Will try out the track after Christmas when I got my new pc ;)
awesume work Lucker & AL
superb christmas track :)
uBp ShortzZ
I'm looking forward to try this as well! Need to catch up on some tracks soon
Instead that just two experts judge the tracks, should you have an extra pointsjudge. A server that everyone tryes the tracks and judge with voting. And we all can judge which track shall win.
Experts may not think intermediate tracks is fun, so intermediates should vote too to judge.
What about two persons from you and 2 points each, four points total, and all others drivers vote and best gets 2 points, second 1 point?
No hard feelings.
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