all dates and times refer to CEST (Central European Summer Time) = Paris, Oslo, Prague, Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin,...
Races will be held on RPG United (rpgunited) and TM Classics (rpgmania)
Training United · A Dragons' Tale
Thu 18h -19h30 --> Play on RPG United
Training Nations · Karnak
Thu 20h -21h30 --> Play on TM Classics
Start on the United Server for the TimeAttack Race will be
TA Race Friday, April 30th 18h Track: A Dragons' Tale
Start on the Nations Server for the TimeAttack Race will be
TA Race Friday, April 30th 20h Track: Karnak
Start on the United Server for the RPG Rounds Race 'United Nations' will be
ROUNDS Race Saturday, May 1st 18h Track: A Dragons' Tale
YouTube --> A Dragons' Tale
Start on the Nations Server for the RPG Rounds Race 'United Nations' will be
ROUNDS Race Saturday, May 1st 20h Track: Karnak
YouTube --> Karnak
for Friday and Saturday there will be a password, although it will
not be extremely secretive^^ the PW will also be in the server name :- )
PW = fun (password = fun)
all dates and times refer to CEST (Central European Summer Time) = Paris, Oslo, Prague, Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin,...
Resutls Friday
Results Saturday
Cool Event with nice tracks :) Can't wait to play it :)
GG All :}}
for me it looks like tec and hawk have given up with all RPG stuff.. just disgraceful :( RPG isn't that good anymore if so..
i don't know about the word "disgraceful".
well, there are translators for that ^^ it's just embarrasing.. shame.. same words ;p
is it true btw..? o_O Now it seems that I'm wasting my time visiting this site every day ;p
this page is more of a resource website than news website, especially now..
you should try RSS, then you don't have to visit every day, but get an alert when there is a new post..
when a new post will come is unclear.. i've lost interest in RPG for now, hawk has too.
i have some nearly finished guides, but im not motivated to finish them..
yeah that's terrible :( maybe the interest will come later, only time will tell.. Just don't know what to say.. I wish you luck ;p hope to see ya soon ;)
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